

中文摘要 依據廢棄物清理法之相關規定,國內廢棄物輸出入之管制,已由原先的「有害事業廢棄物」進而廣納為所有的「事業廢棄物」及「屬國際公約列管之一般廢棄物」,在考量巴塞爾公約與世界各國對廢棄物或廢料的輸出入管制情勢的變化,如何將國內廢棄物輸出入和現行管制系統(進出口海關稅則)及國外管理方式進行連結,則為未來防止廢棄物不當輸出入管制上的重點。 本研究發現,國內現行使用的中華民國商品分類編碼(CCC. Code)即為海關輸出入管制的品目編碼,該編碼中屬「廢料、殘渣、殘留物或爐渣」等各類疑似廢棄物,每年之輸出入數量極為龐大,建議未來須分階段逐一釐清這些廢料在國內產業使用的必要性與適切性;另針對廢料的輸出管理上,亦應和輸入有對應之管理,尤其是輸出對象屬第三世界國家,且輸出品目又屬於巴塞爾公約的管制項目時,則有必要進一步加強管制,以防止未來可能的不當輸出所引發之國際環保事件。 本計畫已完成各類廢料品目和現行使用之事業廢棄物代碼的初步對照與連結,結果顯示於重金屬類之各類事業廢棄物,因具金屬殘渣、粉狀或粒狀等物理特性時,較容易於中華民國商品分類編碼中找到相對應的輸出入品目編碼;如該廢棄物屬混合物、廢液或有機性混合溶劑時,則由於其和商品分類編碼之產品單一特性差異甚大,不容易找到合適的對應編碼,故建議未來在商品分類編碼的修正時,須提供幾個混合廢棄物的編碼,以利後續有效的對照管理。 經檢討現行輸出入的目品清單後,建議未來可依本計畫所擬之品目和廢棄物代碼對應結果,逐漸將現行有害事業廢棄物的輸出管制使用的資料庫和海關品目分類資料庫進行對應與連結,讓廢棄物的輸出管制從現有的代碼系統擴散至海關品目,此亦可解決目前大多數廢棄物僅採用混合五金廢料單一品目輸出之窘境,讓不合宜的輸出降至最少,亦讓國內廢棄物的輸出管理上,更躍進一大步。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物,管理,越境轉移


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-H102-02-163 經費年度 092 計畫經費 910 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/28 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 蔡振球
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000055321.zip 15MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Evaluation of The Impact of Basel Convention and Its Resolutions: A Review of Waste Import and Export Management System in Taiwan

英文摘要 Through the study, the current custom coding system(C.C.C. Code) is deemed to be lack of clarification among various waste shipments, for example the amounts imported or exported as “metal scraps, residues and slags” are quite significant each year, and all under one vaguely defined category. Therefore, further distinction of these types of shipments is crucial for judging compliancy of the domestic regulations. And a more corresponding management system for tracking imports as well as exports of waste products or materials is also important, especially for those exported to the developing countries, to ensure Taiwan’s compliancy to the Basel Convention and prevent unnecessary international disputes that might occurred. A preliminary checking of the similarity between classification by the regulations and the custom codes was conducted this year, showing that the heavy metal waste categories have more similarity due to both systems define the materials/ goods by their physical characteristics. However, for hybrid wastes, liquid wastes and organic solvent mixtures, the complexity is then increased, more specific and additional codes for these types of wastes were proposed. More integration of the classification systems among various domestic systems will be required, and an inventory for waste types was proposed according to the finding of this year project. However, the successful implementation of the regulations will require full cooperation from the custom department.
英文關鍵字 Wastes, Management, Transboundary