

中文摘要 本計畫目的係為敏感公害糾紛地區環境公害污染蒐證調查及損害查估與責任鑑定業務需要,進行環境基礎資料庫建置。公害事件的發生於初期於除現場稽查蒐證調查確定污染物出處及影響範圍等事項外,更應結合相關環境背景資料庫,以輔助蒐證調查,協助污染處理,及避免洐生為環保抗爭或公害糾紛事件。所以本計畫係針對公害糾紛敏感地區,進行細部GIS(地理資訊系統)資料庫建置。而本資料庫係持續本署原公害糾紛敏感地區背景環境資料庫系統(已完成頭份、中壢、桃園幼獅、大社、仁武、大發、林園、觀音、大園等工業區及高雄中油煉油廠區、興達火力發電廠區等)續擴建置增敏感地區數量。 本計畫為二年計畫,預定續增二十七個公害糾紛敏感地區(電廠、工業區等),共計三十八個。本年(第一年)計畫運用航遙測技術建置包括土城、平鎮、新竹、竹南、新竹科學工業園區、民雄、頭橋、新營、官田、新巿、永康、內埔、等十二個工業區及林口電廠與通霄火力發電廠之細部地形資料,並透過現地調查定位十二個工業區內各廠商之位置與現況照片,並將建置完成之資料與原資料庫做一整合,及配合本計畫新增地區資料與實際使用需求,增修原資料庫系統功能項目。
中文關鍵字 公害糾紛,公害糾紛,公害糾紛,工業區,工業區,工業區,環境資料庫,環境資料庫,環境資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-K105-02-208 經費年度 092 計畫經費 1740 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/10 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 陳慈明
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 執行單位 中華民國航空測量及遙感探測學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000055525.zip 50MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Construction and Maintanence of basic environmental database in pollution dispute sensitive areas

英文摘要 This project mainly constructed basic environmental database for the need of pollutant investigation, damage measurement, as well as its responsibility in sensitive pollution-debate areas. In the beginning stage of pollution case, ground-truth survey may identify the pollutant sources and estimate damage area. Moreover, basic environmental database can provide the background information, which will assist investigation work and pollution resolving. The further public ambit or protest was ceased. This project conducted spatial database in sensitive pollution areas. This database was continuously generated from of EPA’s background environment database system in sensitive pollution-debate areas. This project focused on 27 sensitive areas, including electricity stations and factories. In the first year, we applied remote-sensing technology to portrait detailed terrain data, which consists of Tucheng Industrial Park、Pingjen Industrial Park、Hsinchu Industrial Park、Junan Industrial Park、Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park、Minshiung Industrial Park、Touchiau Industrial Park、Shinying Industrial Park、Guantian Industrial Park、Shinshr Industrial Park、Yungkang Industrial Park、Neipu Industrial Park、Linkou power plant and Tongsiaothermal power plant. We will also locate 12 industry areas by using ground survey to obtain position and true photos. According to these information. New system functions will consider to add for future new data input.
英文關鍵字 Pollution dispute,Environmental database,Industrial Park