

中文摘要 國內因應整體事業廢棄物的管理管制,民國90年行政院通過了「全國事業廢棄物管理清理方案」,各部會間亦依該方案具體施行相關的配合措施,歷經近三年的執行,目前各個事業廢棄物管理與處理之軟硬體設施已初具成效,讓事業廢棄物之產生與後續的處理處置,逐漸上了軌道。為有效的統合現今「廢棄物清理法」與「資源回收再利用法」之競合,及配合國際環境議題改變後對事業廢棄物管制新趨勢,如何將國內外各方的意見,納入未來五年之事業廢棄物總體管制策略中,則為現今最為重要的課題。 本計畫執行過程評析現行事業廢棄物的產生數量與處理設施的容量後發現,在一般廢棄物焚化設施與掩埋場提供適當的餘裕容量過程中,及事業廢棄物約70%的回收再利用情況下,事業廢棄物的處理應已不是處理設施或容量之不足,而是進一步須考量如何提升處理品質,並朝向”零廢棄”或藉由處理技術或方式的管制改變,進而逐漸減低因處理衍生之二次環境污染問題。此外,因應「資源回收再利用法」未來之推行,如何其和廢棄物清理法進行管制角色的釐清與定位,亦將牽涉到未來事業廢棄物管制政策的分工與執行,宜儘快進行深入的檢討與執行規劃。為配合未來事業廢棄物總體管制之需求,本案已完成管制策略與行動方案之研擬,其目的乃希望藉由策略的制定與規劃,協助主管機關進行管制角色與方向的調整,除加強事業廢棄物管制中心的功能與沿續執行措施外,更希望於未來五年執行過程中,深化國內事業廢棄物產出的基本特性與基線資料,讓事業廢棄物的質與量的產出特性,經由長時間的調查、統計與評析中,找出其推估模式與經驗參數,除提供主管機關或業界於投入事業廢棄物回收再利用或處理市場之參考外,更能藉此建立一套預警機制,讓事業廢棄物的妥善處理問題,減少重大事業廢棄物棄置事件的發生。
中文關鍵字 管制策略,廢棄物,行動方案


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-H102-02-122 經費年度 092 計畫經費 2940 千元
專案開始日期 2003/05/30 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 楊致行
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


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期末報告 0000059843.pdf 17MB [期末報告]公開完整版

A Review of Wastes Management Strategy and Preparing the Action Plan

英文摘要 The Executive Yuan initiated a programme to investigate the flow of industrial wastes and to identify mitigation opportunities since 1990. Under the coordination and cooperation among various governmental agencies and departments over 3 years, a much comprehensive picture of waste generating sources and their respective treatment facilities is gradually revealing. Further work for the next 5 years will be focus on the harmonising of regulations on waste treatment and the resources recycling, with additional consideration on development of the relative international treaties and opinions from various domestic stakeholders. The phenomena of surplus capacity for most existing waste treatment facilities was observed through this project, and estimated around 70% of industrial wastes is recyclable. Therefore it is deemed that a more efficient used of facilities and upgrading the quality of treatment will be more appropriate than expanding capacity. Furthermore, the impacts of harmonised regulations on competency of existing institutional structure will need to be revised and planned promptly. A preliminary action plan to accommodating such institutional structure adjustments were drawn out by this project. The results will serve as the backbone for designing more consolidated implementing policies for various wastes disposal schemes. A much explicit baseline data on domestic waste streams and parameters for estimation modeling could all be expected for the following 5 years. The competent authority will then be able to evaluate the market value for recycled industrial wastes and draw much realistic cost curves for precautious policies setting and subsequent adjustments.
英文關鍵字 Management Strategy, Waste, Action Plan