
「印染整理業」、「農藥業」、 「印刷電路板業」、「晶圓製造及半導體製造業」等四行業別之廢水中特定物質前處理及管理制度評估專案工作計畫

中文摘要 本計畫為評估「印染整理業」、「農藥業」、「印刷電路板業」、「晶圓製造及半導體製造業」等四種行業,所產生之含有特定物質如有害或難處理物質等廢水,評估其是否須分離收集納入現行「廢棄物清理法」所轄之「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」中,採集中處理(或代處理)方式進行管制,或是將其納入廢水處理過程前,是否應有妥善的前處理單元或設施,以利將這些污染有效的去除或破壞,避免其進入後端的廢水處理系統中,可能影響綜合廢水之處理或以稀釋方式而流佈於自然環境中,當然如採前處理設施或單元,其牽涉到處理衍生的成本/技術可行/管制可行等多重問題,故應予以進行合理的評析,以利主管機關後續修正相關管制規定,並有效的管制與執行。 經調查與評估後發現,「印刷電路板」所產生之銅、鉛、六價鉻及鎳有必要納入有害事業廢棄物認定標準,「晶圓製造及半導體製造業」中之廢酸鹼及廢有機溶劑有必要納入有害事業廢棄物認定標準。此外,針對四行業之每股廢水並有如何管理之建議,如直接納入廢水處理系統、前處理後排入廢水處理系統或是回收再利用等,以供署裏參考。 於法令的配套措施部份,建議於「事業水污染防治措施計畫申請審查辦法」增訂審核要件相關條文規定,並以附表的方式明列出應特別管制的行業,其製程或廢水處理設施的特別規定,以達成主管機關對於應特別管制的行業,其製程或廢水處理設施的特別規定之目標。
中文關鍵字 印染整理業、農藥業、印刷電路板業、晶圓及半導體、特定物質


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-G104-02-207 經費年度 092 計畫經費 2640 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/11 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 楊萬發
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 台灣大學環境工程學研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000058069.zip 7MB [期末報告]公開完整版

printing and dyeing, 、pesticide production, 、Printed Circuit Board manufacturing, and, Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor manufacturing.From the evaluation, it is intended to conclude how wastewater

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effluents from four types of industry: 1. printing and dyeing, 2. pesticide production, 3. Printed Circuit Board manufacturing, and, 4. Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor manufacturing. From the evaluation, it is intended to conclude how wastewater from these industries should be regulated. In general, the wastewater from these industries can be regulated by the Hazardous Industrial Waste Identification Standards (HIWIS) that only requires collection then treatment; or it should be first processed through pre-treatment facilities, which involves more issues such as operation costs, available technology and management feasibility. After investigation and assessment, we suggest Cu, Pb and Cr6+ and Ni from the Printed Circuit Board manufacturing process should be regulated by the HIWIS. Waste acid and organic solvents from the Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor manufacturing industry should also only conform to HIWIS. We#ve also proposed the management strategies for all of the four types of industrial wastewater. About the legal aspect, we suggest amending Industrial Water Pollution Prevention Ordinance by adding the listing of industries that should be subject to the regulations in the Assessment Procedure for Industrial Water Pollution Prevention Plans.
英文關鍵字 printing and dyeing, 、pesticide production,