

中文摘要 從過去國內災害的經驗中,天然災害的發生往往對人類生活環境造成莫大的影響效應。諸如交通中斷,通訊無法順利通聯,生活環境的污染問題及民眾生理、心理受到嚴重的衝擊等,皆是無法預知的天然災害所產生之不良後果。伴隨著諸多不良後果,接踵而來的問題更是日益複雜。由於台灣海島型氣候及地質上的特異性,造成天然災害發生頻率極高。災害發生後,環境污染物的增加及環境髒亂情形,容易滋生傳染病甚至是對民眾健康、生態環境產生極大影響。災後復原工作費時費力,應規劃出復原過程中如何減輕對環境的衝擊,以避免加重後續處理工作量與造成環境污染程度擴大。 行政院環境保護署於今年度(九十二年度)委託國立高雄第一科技大學(以下簡稱本校)執行「災害後環境污染防治計畫及其實施機制之探討」專案研究計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),目的即為了達到有效提昇、強化天然災害災後環境處理之工作,以強化災後處理工作、縮短災後處理時間及降低災後污染散佈。依上述目的,本計畫首先收集國內外災後環境污染防治、環境復原、應變計畫等資訊;並建立縣市環保單位天然災害後環境污染防治實施作業說明書及標準作業程序;建立災後環境復原監測指標。 本計畫年度依進度目標,期末報告成果完成工作項目有:收集國內外災後環境污染防治、環境復原、應變計畫相關資訊;草擬適合環保署之災後環境污染防治計畫草案;以問卷、電話訪談及拜訪面談方式調查全國地區各地方政府辦理災後環境污染防治作業能力;建立包括水災、風災、旱災、空難等四類災害之縣市環保單位天然災害後環境污染防治實施作業說明書及標準作業程序、建立水災、風災、旱災、空難等四類災害之災後環境復原監測指標之研究。本計畫照目標為訓練地方環保單位正確使用本計畫所建立之天然災害後環境污染防治實施作業說明書及標準作業程序,於期末報告定稿後,針對縣市環保單位依北、中、南三區各召開一場天然災害後環境污染防治實施作業說明書及標準作業程序說明會。
中文關鍵字 天然災害,災後,環境污染防治


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-U1J1-02-104 經費年度 092 計畫經費 1190 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/14 專案結束日期 2003/12/16 專案主持人 高雄第一科大陳政任
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 執行單位 國立高雄第一科技大學 陳政任副教授


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000065243.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan after Disaster and its Execution Mechanism

英文摘要 The occurrence of natural disasters has been known to significantly affect our living environment. The consequences of natural disasters include interruption of traffic and communication, environmental pollution, physical and physiological impacts. Taiwan is an island with peculiar weather and geological features that renders natural disaster very common in Taiwan. The pollution after disasters increases significantly and has great impact on the environment. The recovery is also time consuming and requires significant resources. Thus, it is important to plan for disaster recovery to reduce the pollution impact and reduce the recovery time. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) contracted National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST) to perform “Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan after Disaster and its Execution Mechanism” project. This project aims at promoting the effectiveness and reducing time of recovery work for natural disaster. With the above aims, this project has collected case studies from local and international information on pollution prevention, recovery and emergency plans. Standard operating procedures for local EPA on the pollution prevention are prepared. The monitoring indicators for environmental recovery work are also proposed. This project has finished on schedule in the final report the following work: collected case studies from local and international information on pollution prevention, recovery and emergency plans; interview of local EPA officers with questionnaires, phone and/or direct visit to understand the capability of local government in disaster recovery; prepared standard operating procedures for local EPA on the pollution prevention for floor, wind, draught and air crash disasters; proposed monitoring indicators for environmental recovery work for floor, wind, draught and air crash disasters. This project also held three meetings with local EPA officers to explain how to use the standard operating procedures.
英文關鍵字 after disaster,Environmental Pollution Prevention,natural disaster