

中文摘要 研究顯示,由於國人生活模式中有80%以上的時間均生活在室內空間中,因而室內空氣污染物對於民眾之污染物總和暴露量有極大部分之貢獻,而在自然通風的建築條件下,各指標污染物僅有室外臭氧濃度在所有類型之建築中均與室內臭氧濃度有良好之相關,其他污染物由於其室內空間中有較多相關之污染源,因而室內濃度一般而言高於室外濃度。本研究發現,利用考量民眾時間空間分配以及各室內空間中污染物濃度暴露狀況時,污染物與各類疾病就診率相關係數與僅使用室外空氣污染代表民眾污染物暴露量所探討之相關性有明顯之差異,因而顯示評估室內空氣污染相對於民眾來自空氣污染之暴露總量及健康效應相關性之重要。 整體而言,以室外空氣中一氧化碳及二氧化氮濃度對於各類疾病就診率之影響程度較大,且該類污染物對於高污染區民眾心臟血管疾病之就診率似乎有較大之影響。另外,室內環境中許多污染物,如甲醛、揮發性有機物質、生物性氣膠等污染物對於疾病就診率之影響無法利用此類之生態流行病學加以探討,因此,本研究亦初步利用居家環境中甲醛暴露濃度資料進行民眾之致癌性風險推估,顯示其風險值高於一般之1* 10-6一般可接受之健康風險,顯示相關低污染建材及低污染日常生活材料之推廣有其必要性。就健康效益的推估上,本研究使用室外空氣污染物暴露與疾病就診率之影響係數,利用損害模式分析法估算出當改善空氣中一氧化碳及二氧化氮10%及20%之濃度時,可獲致之健康效益,可預期的在心臟血管疾病就診率的降低上獲致較高之經濟效益,但是本研究所推估之健康效益需進一步與使用總暴露量評估之健康影響係數與相關改善措施可獲致之健康效益,特別是國內目前在室內空氣品質改善上之經驗仍相當有限,無法評估相關改善設備之應用、管理措施施行下所可能獲致之實質健康效益。
中文關鍵字 室外空氣污染,室內空氣品質,健康效益評估,健康風險


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-FA11-03-A218 經費年度 091 計畫經費 4170 千元
專案開始日期 2002/10/23 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 蘇慧貞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 成功大學建築研究所江哲銘、成功大學環境醫學研究所李俊璋


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期末報告 0000070363.pdf 9MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Health risk and benefit assessment of indoor and outdoor air pollution

英文摘要 According to the basic investigation of time-activity, people in investigated area spend more than 80% in different indoor environments. This result highlight the importance of potential health effects by exposing to indoor air pollution. Our data shows that general domestic and school environment with higher microbial, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, PM10 than outdoor environments. Ambient CO and SO2 tend to associate with increasing hospital admission rate of cardiovascular diseases in the area with higher ambient air pollution. Risk estimation of indoor formaldehyde exposure shows that general population in both investigated regions with life time cancer probability higher than 1×10-6. This result shows that identifying the sources form general domestic environments of formaldehyde and perform mitigation actions are necessary. Our results also shows that when ambient CO levels decreasing 10 to 20% might contribute to reduce large numbers of cost from hospital admission by cardiovascular diseases. Estimated total levels of air pollutants, integrated with levels of indoor and outdoor pollutants, and time-activity pattern, are associated with increasing hospital admission in cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases. However, the cost-benefit assessment in controlling indoor air pollution could not been examined because of lacking previous experience in improving indoor air quality in our country. Further research is needed to clarify the effects of indoor air quality in health benefit.
英文關鍵字 outdoor air pollution,indoor air quality,risk,health benefit