

中文摘要 計畫動機 因此乃於85年起地方執行本計畫,同時也期望藉由該計畫之執行以整合本市之各項子計畫而達到全面管制之目的,進而提升各計畫之執行品質。 計畫成果 本計畫自九十二年六月一日執行後,即著手瞭解本市空氣品質改善維護計畫各子計畫工作目標、內容與執行成果,以評估執行成效,並進一步檢討後作成建議。 本計畫之執行成果簡述如下: 1.完成92年版空氣污染防制計畫書。 2.協助環保局召開本市空氣品質維護改善計畫各子計畫工作檢討會,執行期間共計已辦理4場次,歷次會議均邀請負責本市之空污委蒞臨指導,檢討工作成效。 3.追蹤檢討空污費各項計畫辦理成效,彙整計畫執行成果,以及配合環保署考評進行前置查核工作,共進行2次前置查核工作。 4.空氣品質資料定期分析,彙整空品資料,針對空氣品質不良日數或其他特殊常情況,進行原因探討與說明,執行期間共發生4日臭氧不良站日,初步完成空品不良站日分析報告共4次。 就目前ISC ST3模式模擬之結果,我們可能歸納出下列幾點下列幾結論: (1)嘉義市的SOX 、NOX排放源對嘉義市之NOX污染濃度分佈的貢獻量不大 (2)嘉義市的SOX 、NOX主要來自境外移入 (3)嘉義市監測站的位置有必要進一步探討其設站地點方能真實的反應對PM10的測值,但就爭取環保署考評分數的立場而言,則無必要更動監測站的設站位置 (4)嘉義市應加強面源之管制,尤其是露天燃燒的管制以有效仰制PM10的排放 (5)加強嘉義市北邊的街道洗掃作業 (6)有空氣品質惡化之傾向前,移動污染源管制計畫應加強嘉義市北邊的路邊攔檢,以有效抑制移動污染源之空氣污染物排放 結論 由於受到地形及氣候等因素之影響,本市之空氣品質可能受到長程輸送境外移入的影響較大,不過比較值得注意的是,目前模式模擬所需要的污染源資料主要來自於TEDS4.2版,且是以87年之排放資料為基礎,所以資料可能過於老舊,且當時台塑六輕尚未正式運轉,故無法顯示麥寮鄉台塑六輕之排放,因此,無法就目前之模擬結果加以判斷本市之空氣品質是否受到六輕之影響。 建議 一、工作期程 二、工作協調之協助 三、空氣品質與減量空間之探討 四、點源與面源之改善 五、明年度之工作規劃
中文關鍵字 模式模擬,空氣污染現況及問題分析,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-EPB02 經費年度 092 計畫經費 1370 千元
專案開始日期 2003/05/26 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 侯裕文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000071157.zip 19MB [期末報告]

The air quality in Chiayi improved the execution that is maintained and tracked that examines the plan in 2003

英文摘要 Motive of the plan The place carries out a plan since 85, expect to plan but achieves the goal of controlling in an all-round way for every son who combines this city with the execution of this plan at the same time , and then improve the execution quality each planned. Achievement of the plan 1.Had already given to the environmental protection administration while examining now. 2.Is it handle 4 session already to add up to during carrying out, all previous meeting invite empty dirty committee#s present guidance to responsible for this city, examine the working effect 3.Check the job leadingly 2 times altogether 4.The air quality materials are analysed regularly. Whether ISC ST3 result , way of simulation at present, we might sum up what time does it offer the following odd conclusion the following. (1)SOX , NOX of Chiayi discharge the source and pollute the contribution amount that the thickness is distributed not big to NOX of Chiayi (2)SOX , NOX of Chiayi mainly came from moving in outside the border (3)Chiayi should strengthen the control of the surface source , the control that is especially burnt in the open , in order to admire and make the discharge of PM10 effectively (4)The street which strengthens in the north of Chiayi has and sweeps the homework (5)Before there is inclination that air quality worsens, move the roadside where pollution sources controls the plan and should strengthen in the north of Chiayi to block and examine. Conclusion It is unable to judge on the present simulation result whether the air quality of this city receives six light influence. Propose First, each of work Is it can plan rational work issues of Cheng future to propose. Second, assistance of the working coordination Third , air quality and discussion of the decrement space Four , some sources and a piece of improvement of source Fifth, work planning of degree of next year
英文關鍵字 model simulation,The present situation of air pollution and question analysis