

中文摘要 本計畫主要之工作項目包括縣市計畫執行成效分析、協助績效考評作業、考評要點檢討與修正及技術與行政支援作業。本計畫完成各縣市91年度共通性計畫考評項目執行成果、污染物減量成果、空氣品質改善狀況分析完及計畫執行成本分析。在共通性計畫執行成果方面,大部分縣市均可達到考評之滿分工作量。污染減量成果方面,臺灣地區各污染物之削減率TSP、SOx、NOx、NMHC及CO分別為11.1%、10.5%、3.2%、2.5%及4.1%。由空品資料顯示,PSI>100之比例逐年降低, PM10、SO2、NO2濃度亦有逐年下降趨勢。減量成本以固定污染源最低,柴油車動力檢測計畫最高。在績效考核方面,本年度首次於年度初期訂定考評作業計畫,使整個考評作業程序有所依循。本計畫查核各管制工作相關表單紀錄之完整性,結果仍有紀錄不完整情形。另有些工作縣市執行方式及管制工作紀錄表單格式不完全相同,查核人員填寫紀錄之詳實性亦不同,建議制定統一遵循之規範。另委員執行現場查核時發現部分移動污染源攔檢工作品保品管上有問題,營建工程工作主要之問題在作業系統方面,查核人員在作業面積及防制措施之認定標準不一,可能導致排放量推估上之差異。因此建議建立與縣市之互動機制與擬定獎勵優良團隊辦法,除對優秀團隊予以鼓勵與表揚外,亦可促使各團隊提升自己的專業能力。九十三年考評要點主要修正重點為增加工作執行品質之考評、加強污染源資料之掌握及建置、落實法規之執行及加強縣市之自我管理,期使對污染源之掌握更為明確並提昇縣市於空氣污染管制工作之執行品質。並擬定「各項管制工作工作量及執行品質查核認定原則」及相關參考表單,提供縣市執行上需注意之問題,以達到提升縣市執行品質,引導各計畫於執行過程中同步注重品質控管。本年度完成辦理六場空品區座談會,一場觀摩及固定污染源工作檢討會及一場成效檢討會,除讓環保署政令能確實佈達,並提供各縣市意見交流之機會,縣市亦可從其他縣市創新作法中學習,進而提昇執行績效。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質改善維護計畫、考核,


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-FA13-03-A034 經費年度 092 計畫經費 8500 千元
專案開始日期 2003/01/01 專案結束日期 2004/02/28 專案主持人 閻春伶
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 中鼎工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000073238.zip 106MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The analysis of effects of Local EPB s SIPs in2003

英文摘要 The objects of this project are: to analyze the effects of the State Implementation Plans (SIPs) executed by local EPB, to assist EPA to audit the data of local EPB submit, to revise "The Auditing Rules for effects of State Implementation Plans for Local EPB", and to summarize the related information about auditing to EPA and the committee of air pollution control technology consultant. Regarding the auditing result, most of the local EPBs could get full score on the common works indicators in 2002. The ratio of reduced emissions in 2002 for TSP, SOx, NOx, NMHC and CO were 11.1%, 10.5%, 3.2%, 2.5% and 4.1% respectively. According to the monitoring data, air quality has been also improved in 2002 for most counties. About the cost of air pollution controls, the lowest cost for the common plans was the plan of stationary sources control, and the highest one was the inspection plan of diesel vehicles. We have designed the procedure for auditing in the project at the first time. The audit results showed that there were some uncompleted situations in the recording sheets proposed by local EPB on implementing their air pollution control works. Besides, there are difference in the forms of the recording sheets and the certainties of the records by surveyors in some counties. To resolve this problem, formulating the uniform specification to be followed by local EPB was suggested. Additionally, some member in air pollution control technology consultant found some uncertainty in QA/QC on motorcycle inspection works. It is also suggested to establish the rules for selecting outstanding teams of air pollution control works. "The Rules for Auditing effects of State Implementation Plan for Local EPB" for 2004 had been revised in this project. The points for this revision focus on enhancing the quality for implement, establishment of basic pollution sources data, making the related regulations work more effectively, and enhancing the self management by counties.