

中文摘要 本計畫工作主要包含二極體及電晶體、被動元件製造業、PVC皮製造、印刷電路板及凹版印刷等五種產業有機溶劑的使用情形、各產業代表性製程非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)煙道排放濃度及其排放量的檢測作業;其目標主要為確立上述五項行業揮發性有機物污染排放及污染特性資料,並建立行業揮發性有機空氣污染物排放清冊資料,以作為未來管制之參考依據。 完成之量化成果包括:78家工廠之現場訪查,81根次排放管道NMHC檢測作業,32根次GC/MS排氣成分鑑定及15個縣市789份檢測報告之蒐集及檢測報告數據合理性審查。由排放管道採樣結果顯示各產業之單一排放管道廢氣排放量:印刷電路板業0.002~9.940 kg/hr,PVC皮製造業0.361~138.940 kg/hr,凹版印刷業0.78~44.28 kg/hr,被動元件業0.026~19.743 kg/hr,二極體與電晶體業0.02~3.66 kg/hr,以傳統產業之廢氣排放量較高,係由於其VOCs使用量較大且防制設備之安裝率亦較低之故。至於廢氣成分特性方面,印刷電路板業排放物種主要為丙二醇單甲基醚、丁酮、乙醇等,PVC皮製造業為甲苯、丁酮,凹版印刷業為丁酮、甲苯、乙酸乙酯,被動元件業為甲苯、乙醇,二極體與電晶體業為乙酸正丁酯、丙酮、二甲苯,主要污染物與使用原物料之成分相關。 本計畫各行業別之排放係數經由整廠質量平衡推算結果顯示,印刷電路板業為0.046-0.640 kg/m2-基版,PVC皮製造業為0.021-0.092kg/m2-合成皮,凹版印刷業為0.136E-4-0.397 E-4kg/m2-印刷物,被動元件業為0.27-113.85mg/個-被動元件,二極體與電晶體業為9.320-384.297kg/m2-晶片或0.001-0.316 kg/仟個-晶體,部分行業別排放係數推估的結果變動雖大,但實因原物料使用、生產產品的種類不同與製程差異所致。
中文關鍵字 有機溶劑,揮發性有機物排放調查,


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-FA12-03-A025 經費年度 092 計畫經費 7300 千元
專案開始日期 2003/09/25 專案結束日期 2004/06/30 專案主持人 沈克鵬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


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期末報告 0000121291.zip 2MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Enhanced Investigation of organic compounds emission from industries

英文摘要 The tasks including on-site interviewing to 78 factories, NMHC continuously monitoring of 81 stacks, exhaust VOCs composition analysis of 32 stacks by GC/MS, and reviewing 789 investigation reports among 15 Counties or Cities, had been completed in the project. Data collected by NMHC emission monitoring show the amount of NMHC emission in each stack of five industries in turn are: print circuit board 0.002~9.940 kg/hr,PVC leather 0.361~138.940 kg/hr,rotogravure print 0.78~44.28 kg/hr,passive element 0.026~19.743 kg/hr,diode and transistor 0.02~3.66 kg/hr. It indicates that the amount of VOCs emission from conventional industries, like PVC leather and rotogravure print, is more than the other 3 industries because of the amount of organic solvent usage and poor VOCs abatement facility installing in the conventional industries. The major VOCs composition of the exhaust from five manufacturing processes can be analyzed by GC/MS, and the results are PGME, MEK and ethanol in print circuit board, toluene and MEK in PVC leather, MEK, toluene and ethyl acetate in rotogravure print,toluene and ethanol in passive element,n-butyl acetate, acetone and toluene in diode and transistor. It also shows major pollutants come from raw materials (no transformation). The emission factors of five manufacturing processes can be measured by applying mass balance calculation of VOCs in specific factories. Results show that the emission factors are 0.046-0.640 kg/m2-product in print circuit board,0.021-0.092kg/m2-product in PVC leather,0.136E-4-0.397 E-4kg/m2-product in rotogravure print,0.27-113.85mg/unit product in passive element, and 9.320-384.297kg/m2-product or 0.001-0.316 kg/1000 chips in diode and transistor. The variation of the emission factors in each manufacturing process is large because VOCs emission patterns caused by different processes, raw materials, or products are significantly different.
英文關鍵字 Solvent, VOCs Emission Inventory