

中文摘要 本計畫主要調查台北市、台北縣、基隆市及宜蘭縣等四個縣市共135座加油站之基本資料及地下環境污染潛勢調查。本計畫工作內容分為四階段進行,執行成果分述如下: 第一階段: 本計畫共計完成135座加油站之基本資料調查工作與測漏管油氣檢測作業。135座加油站中以中油系統為最;另站齡分布分面,站齡二十年以上者有27座(20.0%)、站齡十年至二十年者共98站(72.6%),而十年以下共計10座(7.4%)。 本計畫共計完成1601支測漏管油氣之測爆器、PID量測與功能檢測作業。檢測結果若符合下列篩選原則即進行下一階段調查: 1.PID檢測值大於等於500ppmV或測爆器檢測值大於等於10%LEL之加油站 2.測漏管功能不彰達總數1/3者 3.添加異常物質 4.浮油 5.SVE運轉 6.特殊狀況,其他規避行為者 第二階段: 本計畫共計有30座加油站,需進行第二階段為進行測漏管油氣及土壤氣體採樣分析工作。總共完成各136個之測漏管油氣樣品及土壤氣體樣品。並依據各樣品苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯及總石油碳氫化合物之分析結果,篩選出17座加油站進行土壤及地下水檢測工作。 第三階段: 17座需進行土壤及地下水採樣分析作業之加油站,其中有6站為疑似污染之虞的場址,需執行污染查證作業,以進一?確認污染屬實。 第四階段: 6座加油站污染查證結果,計有2座加油站其地下水超過地下水污染管制標準,建議後續應依「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定進行相關管制措施。 最後將各階段調查結果整合乙、丙計畫,建置成資料庫,以提供環保單位後續管制及研擬方案之參考。
中文關鍵字 加油站,土壤,地下水,測漏管,


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-GA12-03-A216 經費年度 092 計畫經費 5600 千元
專案開始日期 2003/09/09 專案結束日期 2004/06/07 專案主持人 峰將公司高平洲
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 執行單位 峰將公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000126435.zip 15MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Potential Contamination Sources Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station From the middle-northern Taiwan, Sub-plan A

英文摘要 The goal of this project is to investigate the gas stations which could have the problems of potential pollution in the underground environment.The plan is divided into three sub-plans.In Sub-plan A, there are 135 gas stations to be examined in four areas.There are four phases in the project.The result of the investigative work is summarized as the following: 1.Phase Ⅰ:Basic data collection and oil gas survey Basic data includes “Gas station set-up data”, “UST(underground storage tank) basic data”, “piping basic data”, “reparation data”, “monitoring equipment data”, “SVE(soil vapor extraction) equipment data”, “environment data” and so on.In Phase I Investigation,we inspected 135 gas stations and 1,601 soil vapor monitoring wells with LEL detector, PID and checked the capabilities of those wells. According to the results of oil gas survey, 30 gas stations were screened to the next step (Phase II). 2.Phase Ⅱ:Oil gas and Soil gas investigation There are 30 gas stations to enter Phase Ⅱ investigation.In Phase II Investigation, the work includes the analysis of oil gas and soil gas and the sampling of soil gas and oil gas.Base on the analyzing values of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), there were 17 gas stations to be sieved out and soil and groundwater to be investigated (Phase III). 3.Phase Ⅲ:Soil and Groundwater investigation A total of 71 soil and groundwater samples was collected and analyzed in Phase Ⅲ, following EPA methods NIEA S102.60B and NIEA W103.52B.According to the analyzing results, 6 gas stations have the soil and/or groundwater contained VOCs with concentration more than regulate levels promulgated be EPA. 4.Phase Ⅳ: identify the pollution situation In order to confirm the pollution situation,Taiwan EPA assigned 6 gas stations to conduct the identification task.In accordance with the identification results,2 gas stations exceeded the “Groundwater Pollution Control Standards”.Taiwan EPA have to do the follow-up control according to the “Groundwater
英文關鍵字 Gas Station, Soil, Groundwater, Soil Vapor Monitoring Well