

中文摘要 「環保科技園區推動計畫」(以下簡稱推動計畫)於91年9月9日經行政院(院台環字第0910044329號)核定在案。環保署為積極辦理本推動計畫,於92年1月21日甄選北區花蓮縣及南區高雄縣共同推動。 環保署復於92年8月底公告新增園區設置許可申請須知,並於93年3月23日完成第3座及第4座園區之甄選,分別為桃園縣及台南縣。目前全國共有4座環保科技園區。 推動計畫核定後環保署成立環保科技園區指導委員會及園區推動小組,定期舉辦審查以及工作檢討會,積極督導主辦之縣政府推動設置園區。本年度舉辦5場指導委員會、16場推動小組會議。討論議題包括土地取得、用地變更、園區整體規劃設計、研究發展區規劃設計、教育訓練展示區規劃設計、量產實證區規劃設計、招商計畫與循環生態城鄉規劃設計等8大項,並達成多項共識包括各項建築規劃符合綠建築評估指標、園區為低(零)污染排放、潔淨能源再利用、本園區有別於一般工業區建設、資訊公開化等共識,並積極拜訪錨定廠商邀請進駐園區。 為順利進行招商作業,環保署也積極協助主辦單位辦理國內外招商作業,今年度國內招商說明會包括到各工業區說明推動本計畫,前後共舉辦15場說明會。此外環保署也另案舉辦國外招商說明會,包括新加坡、德國、日本、澳洲、加拿大等。目前已經指導委員會核准入區計有7家,皆位於高雄環保科技園區內,其中有1家工廠已經完成工廠建築作業,目前進行機械設備安裝作業中,另有3家積極進行工廠興建作業中,其餘3家正進行工廠興建規劃作業中。 本報告將計畫執行過程研訂之相關資料詳細說明提供各界參考,藉此讓各界更深入了解環保科技園區之意含以及政府為提昇國內環境之積極作為。
中文關鍵字 生態化工業區,環保科技園區,永續發展,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-H102-02-162 經費年度 093 計畫經費 5050 千元
專案開始日期 2004/01/01 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 陳文卿
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000028408.pdf 14MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Environmental Science and Technology Parks Project

英文摘要 Because of the global sustainable development trend and the aim to become a recycling society, many countries have recently selected appropriate areas to establish ecological or environmental science and technology parks. The concept is to allow the industry to make a connection between input and output, thereby expanding to connect the living circles of cities. The final objective is to infuse industrial development into ecologically recycled systems. Countries such as Denmark, Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, and Japan have all implemented such projects. To comply with the global sustainable development trend and the aim to become a recycling society, the Taiwan EPA is in the process of establishing four environmental science and technology parks (ESTPs)。 For the purpose of quickly setting up these ESTPs, The ESTP Guidance committee have held 5 committees,and the EPA have held 16 work shops on the ESTPs design, construction & invitation of investors this year(2004). To actively invite prospective investors, the project team has completed the necessary documents. And 15 Seminars on the ESTPs were held around Taiwan so far this year。A total of 570 attended the seminars. Moreover, local visitations were made to more than 77 firms with follow-up work to be carried out. Now there are 7 companies approved into the Kaohsiung ESTP。 In order to let members of various sectors know about the ESTPs, this report has collected informations on environmental science and technology parks for reference.We hope by this way, people of all sectors can get to know the ESTP and contribute their valuable input so as to advance Taiwan’s environmental technology and raise the quality of the environment.
英文關鍵字 ecologically,Environmental Science and Technology Park,Sustainable development