

中文摘要 為因應貿易與環境議題日益糾葛,甚至可能相互衝突的問題,世界貿易組織(WTO)不僅在其建立WTO的馬拉喀什協定的前言中揭示永續發展與環境保護的重要;並為相關之決議,包括決定「為臻永續之發展,確認貿易與環境措施間的關聯性」並且「對是否需要修改多邊貿易體系相關條文提出適當之建議, 惟所提之建議必須與多邊貿易體系所揭櫫之公開、公正及不歧視原則相符合」,世貿組織中之貿易與環境委員會(Committee on Trade and Environment, 簡稱CTE)便是依據這兩項原則的精神而成立。CTE初期將其工作及討論內容計分為十大議題;在2001年的杜哈宣言中,更將貿易與環境議題的討論焦點集中於第31至第33段;主要內容為WTO貿易規則與多邊環境協定(MEAs)所設特定貿易義務的關係;環境商品與服務業;環境措施對市場進入之影響;以及環境標示等等。我國因政治地位因素,無法參與多數MEAs之規則訂定,若因此影響我國身為WTO會員之合法利益,透過參與WTO/CTE的運作,應可提供我國與其他WTO會員商討解決相關問題的途徑。 本計劃主要的研究成果包括了:一、出席WTO貿易與環境委員會例會(CTE Regular Session)以及特別會議(CTE Special Session, CTESS),就杜哈宣言第31至第33段及第51段等議題,蒐集研析主要國家或區域組織之立場、研擬我國對相關議題之立場文件,並協助環保署有效參與有關會議和談判;二、蒐集整理有關上述相關議題之中英文文件,並做重點摘譯;三、評估WTO技術性貿易障礙協定(TBT)有關環保相關議題之最新發展趨勢,並研析環保署對相關議題之立場及因應;四、完成WTO與含有貿易措施之重要國際環保公約的相容性分析及我國之因應立場分析;五、協助環保署在雙邊或多邊自由貿易協定中關於環保相關議題之擬訂及因應等;六、就我國環境政策與法規與WTO貿易規範相容性分析;七、邀請國內相關專家學者與機關代表舉行會議,就我國應持之立場提出建議;以及,八、維護環保署中文貿易與環境之網頁等。
中文關鍵字 世界貿易組織,多邊環境協定,環境商品與服務業,貿易與環境,,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-U1U1-02-102 經費年度 093 計畫經費 1370 千元
專案開始日期 2004/03/15 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 羅昌發
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 執行單位


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期末報告 0000029388.pdf 2MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Research on Trade and Environment Issues

英文摘要 Faced with an increasing potential of conflicts between free trade and environmental protection, the World Trade Organization (WTO) began to pay more attention to the relevant issues. The Preamble to the WTO Agreement emphasizes the significance of protecting the environment and underlines the goal of sustainable development. The 2001 Doha Declaration further provides negotiation mandate to the issues of trade and environment in paragraph 31 to 33, including, the relations between specific trade obligations set out in Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and the existing rules of the WTO; the liberalization of trade in environmental goods and services; the influence of environmental measures on market access; and eco-labeling etc. The main results of this research project include: 1st, participating three CTE/CTESS meetings in 2004 and taking note of the latest development in those meetings, assisting the drafting of our position papers and negotiating strategies, and supporting EPA officials to effectively participate relevant meetings and negotiations. 2nd, keeping the latest development of issues relating to trade and environment. 3rd, assessing the latest development of environmental issue under in TBT Agreement, and assisting the EPA to respond to related issues. 4th, analyzing the relations between the WTO covered agreements and four MEAs containing trade measures. 5th, assisting the EPA in preparing negotiation strategies in bilateral and multilateral free trade negotiation. 6th, examining the consistency of domestic environmental laws and regulations with the WTO trade rules. 7th, holding an expert meeting to examine the adequacy of our related positions and provide suggestions. And, 8th, updating the EPA’s global information website regarding trade and environment issues with any latest development.
英文關鍵字 WTO,MEAs(Multilateral Environmental Agreements),Environmental Goods and Services,Trade and Environment