

中文摘要 本年度計畫針對自民國八十一年迄民國九十三年案件進行彙整與分析作業,計畫過程對各案件資料進行三次清查、四次查訪、二次總複查工作。目前系統收錄全國自八十一年至九十三年703筆基本資料案件。可以關聯到145件重大案件;449件紓處案件;160件調處案件;186件速報案件;58件裁決案件。每件案件皆經清查作業後,已脈絡清楚,可做為分析工作良好基礎。經由本年度查訪之經驗,管理系統做了大幅度修正,首先對於系統並非每天使用之特性,在設計原理上,堅守平樸且直接的特色,做了介面大幅度改善。並針對案件管理者,系統建立小秘書之功能;即對於未結案案件定時提醒使用者上來瀏覽更新,以利案件發展過程之記載。同時系統增加許多智慧型功能,包括速報自動發信機制、預警功能及帳號密碼結合鎖定IP的保密安全機制,凡此種種新增功能皆於今年度完成。本計畫於十月二十六、二十九日、十一月九日分別於北、中、南三區,針對縣市承辦及操作人員之輔導教育訓練會議中,教導系統使用時機及重點,所有代表都表示非常簡單好用,予以極大肯定。經統計結果,歷年公害糾紛案件共有703件,以高雄縣(164件佔23%)、桃園縣(143件佔20%)、苗栗縣(71件佔10%)最多。若以調處案件分析,則以高雄市、台南縣、雲林縣較多。而進入裁決者,則以苗栗縣、嘉義縣及高雄縣為多。調處、裁決之相對人多以台電、中油及大型企業為大宗,涉及範圍與金額較大,事件也相對較為複雜難予處理在案件之「污染樣態」分析中,仍以傳統「空氣」、「水」為最高。「空氣」為污染樣態最多者,以高雄縣 (80件佔37%)、苗栗縣 (38件佔17%)等傳統石化業重鎮為最多;以「水」為污染樣態最多者為桃園縣 (67件佔42%),由調查顯示以農業用水與工業用水之分流不佳衍生污染糾紛為多。依糾紛成因統計,以屬「已發生污染」為成因者最多,佔65%,其次為「有影響環境之虞,但實際污染未產生」佔17%,第三高者為「突發工安意外」佔14%。就「已發生污染」案件,自86年至89年逐年增加,但自89年後卻逐年減少。但「有影響環境之虞,但實際污染未產生」及「突發工安意外」兩者卻有增加趨勢,並衍生嚴重鄰避效應(NIBY not in my backyard)問題。公害糾紛紓處案件共449件,經處理結果,以「紛爭已平息」佔最多,計363件佔81%,其次為「紛爭暫平息」50件佔11%;申請調處案件有160件,其中成立者為25件佔16%,不成立者有125件佔78%。再調處案件共59件,成立者9件佔15%,不成立者48件佔81%。進入裁決程序案件有66件,經裁決後判賠有15件,判賠率為23%。裁決後再進入司法程序者有11件,司法審判結果雖賠償金額不一,但對污染責任歸屬之認定,大多與裁決內容相符。本計畫於十二月六、七日,假石門福華渡假別館辦理二天一夜「九十三年公害糾紛處理工作檢討會」,會中各縣市代表針對本報告研析內容及各轄區內公害糾紛案件特性進行充分研討與心得交換,同時也在公害鑑定植物專業上進行深入探討,每位與會人員皆認為收益良好,會議圓滿結束。
中文關鍵字 公害糾紛,紓處,速報,調處,裁決,彙整分析,鄰避,,,,,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-K105-02-206 經費年度 093 計畫經費 1770 千元
專案開始日期 2004/03/16 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 胡令賽
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000032862.pdf 10MB [期末報告]公開完整版

National Disputes integration and analysis

英文摘要 The scope of the project is the cases between 1992~2004 records’checkup, organization and analysis. Through the project , there were 3 rounds of national checkup, 4 times interview via phones, or on sites, two overall reviews. This MIS collects 703 cases base information which could relate to 145 severe disputes; 449 settlements; 160 mediates; 186 quick report cases; 58 judgements. Every case had been clearly organized and related, which is a good foundation for further analysis.Through the experience of interviews and checkings, MIS made a large of adjustment. Base on the design principle the interface is easy to use and directly understood. As for the purpose of case management, the MIS provides the assistant and remind function; It will indicate the users to review the cases more often for those have not be concluded. Above to that the MIS also combines intelligent function, which includes the quick report and push-mail function, alarm function, secure protection function, etc..There were three training conference meetings taken on Oct.26、Oct.29、Nov.9 for Central, North South areas, all the representives from nationwide epbs presented very positive opinions of the programs.From the analytical results, There are 703 cases by the number of records , Kao Hsung County is the highest among the nation, after that is Tao-Yuan County , Miu-Li County. According to the number of the mediation case,.Kao Hsung County is the highest among the nation, after that is Tao-Yuan County, Yun-Lin County. As for the judgement cases, Miu-li is the highest county, after that are Guai-Yi County and Kao-Hsung County. As for the oposite for the mediations and judgements, the CPC and large enterprise are the majority of focus, These kinds of disputes also indicate more complicated situation.
英文關鍵字 quickreport,,mediate,,judgement,,integration and analysis,,Not in my backyard.,dispute,,settlement,