

中文摘要 本計畫主要以管理國內移動污染源之一的汽油車之排放污染,其管制制度從新車型審驗、新車抽驗,到量產車品管以及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試。從新車的各項管制到使用中車輛耐久保證里程內的排放污染確認,都屬本計畫執行之工作內容。 為確實執行此一完整的管制制度,必須研究國際各主要管制制度,分析國內汽油車排放污染現況,結合環保署未來空氣污染管制策略,以擬定國內未來管制法令與獎勵措施。因此本計畫之工作重點除執行管制制度外,還包括維護排放污染管制資料庫、評估及建立汽油車排放污染總量推估模式、建立低污染環保車評核方法與獎勵措施,最重要的還是汽油車排放管制相關法令之增修定工作。以確保汽油車排放污染管制水準。 而本年度計畫成果:新車型審驗部分1至10月本所共核發349合格證,涵蓋662個車型。預估整年度將會有400件以上,平均每件審查所需天數為8.5天,符合民眾期望與環保署要求。從測試結果看,2004車型年相較於2003車型年整體審驗值有不再下降的現象,2005車型年則延續2004車型年的趨勢逐漸上升。尤其是CO及NMHC都有偏高的趨勢。其中又以進口商用車最為嚴重。 新車抽驗各污染物之測試值整體趨勢從1999年至今,都與審驗值類似。CO與NMHC在2004年都有上升的現象。整體而言,新車抽驗所呈現的現象,應可實際代表目前量產新車的污染情形。相較於審驗值所呈現出的現象,又有極高的相似程度。因此審驗值應可視為客觀的代表數據。 召回改正調查測試本年度執行十個引擎族初步調查測試及一個引擎族確認調查測試,從民國87年執行至今,以目前使用中車輛之水準,超過標準值的機率都很低,但超過審驗值的機率就很高,應該是認證測試車輛、耐久測試及劣化係數都經車輛業者刻意控制的結果,也反應出國內車輛使用環境較為惡劣的現象。但此管制制度乃是車輛污染管制最重要的最後一關,因此建議環保署每年調查測試數量應有一定比例。落實此一管制決心,可防止業者忽略耐久保證。 本年度已建制完成審驗核備文件電子化格式,並已完成上網填寫傳輸web化,審驗申請文件電子化格式也已建制完成。汽油車排氣管制資料庫內容仍持續更新維護。 在建立國內移動污染源空氣污染物排放總量推估模式時,主要應用美國環保署MOBILE5b計算出各污染物的排放係數,同時著重於模式輸入參數正確性的探討及敏感度分析,進而推算出2003年台灣地區移動污染源(汽油汽車部分)的排放總量範圍,車種包括汽油小客車、營業小客車、1200CC以上商用車與1200CC以下商用車共四種。 相關法令增修訂部分,本年度完成修訂「汽油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發及廢止辦法」草案,以及「汽油車測試程序與測試方法」(三期)草案。 訂定低污染環保車評選方法與獎勵措施,針對進榜車型不僅公佈於環保署網站提供民眾購車參考,並於該年度新車抽驗時減免抽驗數量,且舉辦授證典禮與記者發表會,由署長在媒體面前親自頒證給進榜車輛業者代表。 整體來看,環境保護的觀念已普遍受到認同,不只民眾就連產業也深知責任不可規避,而國內汽油車排放污染管制制度已行之多年,且逐期加嚴。因此,本計畫之工作也漸漸多元化,主要希望以有限的資源做更精準的管理,以期朝向管制制度周延化的目標邁進。
中文關鍵字 認證,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-FA13-03-D016 經費年度 093 計畫經費 10960 千元
專案開始日期 2004/01/01 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 黃天助
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院 機械工業研究所


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期末報告 0000039939.pdf 29MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Final report for implement of the new model certification,conformity of production and the recall relative investigative test for in-use vehicle

英文摘要 According to the records from January 2004 to October 2004, there were 349 certificates issued this year, which include 662 vehicle types. Over 400 certificates issued this year are expected. The dates required for certification process averaged 8.5 dates in compliance with requests of the public and R.O.C EPA. The test results for the average emission values were not lowered compared with the average emission values for the year 2003, and for the year 2005 the values were even rising. The most significant ones were the CO value and the NMHC value for imported commercial vehicles. As to the “Conformity of Production Program”, the average values for the conformity of production tests since 1999 were similar to the average values for the new vehicle exhaust emission tests. The CO value and the NMHC value for the year 2004 were up trend. The results of the conformity of production tests could represent current pollution condition of new vehicle. But the average values for the new vehicle exhaust emission tests should be objectively considered as a significant data. As to the in-use vehicles conformity tests, there were 10 engine families put to the basic test and 1 engine family put to the final test. Up to now, there were few possibilities that in-use vehicles exceed the standard values, but the average values for the new vehicle exhaust emission tests. There are two possibilities for the result. The first one is that the tested vehicles, breakdown tests, deterioration coefficient were controlled on purpose. The other one is that the environment quality was worse in Taiwan. However, the in-use vehicles conformity tests are the last and the most important part of motor vehicle exhaust emission control; therefore, a certain proportion of vehicle number under investigation tests each year is necessary. The implement of this regulatory strategy could prevent type approval applicants from ignoring the breakdown guarantee.
英文關鍵字 Certification