

中文摘要 一、環境噪音檢測 為了解現行公告之各級噪音管制區噪音現況,並作為噪音管制區劃分之依據參考,本計畫為了解轄區內噪音現況之改變及針對高速鐵路通車前之背景資料蒐集,針對台南縣各鄉鎮進行環境噪音檢測作業,共執行噪音監測50點次監測作業,其中包含噪音管制區劃定設置之監測點21點次、台南縣轄區高鐵施工段環境背景噪音監測點15點次,其做為噪音管制區之劃定之參考。另配合民眾陳情案件進行監測共6點次、及其他指定監測點8點次。 二、管制區之劃分 有關一般環境噪音管制區劃定修定內容,其中包含新營市等二十一鄉鎮市維持現有管制區劃定。而鹽水鎮等十鄉鎮市則依據現行土地使用現況及噪音監測資料進行重新劃定,另增加高速鐵路沿線周界三十公尺範圍之規定,並於九十三年七月一日進行公告。 本計畫針對航空噪音防制區劃定進行檢討,其結果劃定為二級防制區有三村(仁愛村、成功村、二行村)、三級防制區則為大甲村;均與九十一年時劃定相同,並於九十三年七月五日進行公告。目前每年噪音防制費應用在學校電費及住戶噪音防制(三級防制區共444戶全部完成、二級防制區已完成93戶)。 三、固定測站資料接收 台南縣之固定式噪音監測站設置於新營市公所,本計畫每天固定時間自動透過網際網路接收,計畫執行期間計進行四季的資料接收作業,並於每季結束後將所接收之數據提報環保署。另針對台南航空站之噪音影響部份,執行方式為審核轄區內機場定期申報之航空噪音監測資料及其所繪之等噪音線圖。 四、噪音管制法第六條第七條法規內容公告 為維護安寧的生活環境,及對目前台南縣之噪音現況做改善,本計畫針對噪音管制法第六條第七條內容部分加以詳加規定,包括時段限制(晚上十時至翌日上午五時)、行為限制(在公告區域及時段內,不得從事之行為)及設備限制(冷卻水塔、發電機等所產生之噪音量),並於公告後於九十三年三月一日正式施行。
中文關鍵字 噪音管制區,


專案計畫編號 NSC-92209 經費年度 092 計畫經費 1380 千元
專案開始日期 2003/07/15 專案結束日期 2004/07/14 專案主持人 徐世杰
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 臺南縣環境保護局


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 00000174061.zip 8MB [期末報告]

Enhance implementation redelineation of each class of noise control zone in Tainan county

英文摘要 I.environmental noise measurement This plan carry out the test of environmental noise for all towns of Tainan county. It was tested environmental noise 50 times for Environmental Protection Bureau appointed.The amount of all points is accord rule for noise control zone . II.The delineation of noise control zone There were 21 townships without change their noise control zone and redelineation of each class of noise control zone of 10 townships.The announcement of the general environmental noise control area was published on 1st July 2004. The second class of air port noise control zone enclude 3 villages of Rende township and the third class of air port noise control zone enclude 1 villages of Rende township. And the announcement was published on 5st July 2004. III.Check the station material to receive regularly Every day receive the data of noise inspection station through the internet automatically. We had received the data of four seasons in plan execution period. Frequently we had discovered the system exceptionally when machine unnormally.We had Informed the Environmental Protection Bureau and service also. We had assistance Environmental Protection Bureau verified the airport aviation noise monitor data of airport in Tainan county. The part of data loss was because of equipment failure or system replacement. We improve and adjust data loss immediately when it was happened. IV.pursuant to Article 6 and 7 of the Noise Control Act announcement We had official announcement pursuant to Article 6 and 7 of the Noise Control Act and implementation on March 1,2004.
英文關鍵字 noise control zone