

中文摘要 本計畫重點為針對高高屏地區,進行各項污染防制工作之整合及協調,並透過空品分析及現場實際勘查,掌握重大污染來源並結合中央與地方環保單位的力量,達成污染減量及空品目標的任務。 九十三年度高高屏PSI>100之空品目標為低於6.5%,相當於全年不良日數在256站日以下,統計至12月底為止之PSI達成率分別為8.4%及334站日,超過預期之目標。透過氣象參數及污染源排放量變化解析結果發現,九十三年由於產業復甦、經濟活動頻繁、污染源排放增加,加上氣候較往年乾旱,均為造成空氣品質目標超過之原因。 針對高高屏各項逸散性粒狀物污染源進行現勘,包括陸空聯合稽查6次、營建工地79處次、粒料堆置場20處次及高雄港散裝貨物堆置場2次等。陸空聯合稽查發現疑似污染29處計告發6處,營建工地有明顯污染經通報環保局計告發3件,掌握粒料堆置場防制面臨之相關問題並提出管制建議,高雄港務局並承諾將於九十四年度編列二仟餘萬之經費,進行港區逸散揚塵之改善工作。 針對高高屏發生臭氧潛勢較高之物種及工廠加以分析並列出前二十大之名單,作為後續加強輔導之對象。現勘煉油廠之廢氣燃燒塔及有機溶劑使用行業之NMHC逸散情形計20餘家。發現當前廢氣燃燒塔之管制需先加強排放量之定期監測,而有機溶劑的使用管制需透過法規,要求上游廠商生產水性油墨及塗料,以降低高高屏地區揮發性有機物之排放。 本計畫透過與高高屏三縣市的各項會議達成污染管制的協調與建議,促使中央與地方發揮污染管制之整體效益,達成污染物之減量分別為TSP為10,888ton/y、SOx為2,765ton/y、NOx為9,246ton/y及NMHC為4,781ton/y。在九十三年度全國空品不良日數較九十二年增加80%的情況下,高屏空品區只增加不到30%,亦反映出相關管制工作落實之成果。
中文關鍵字 空品目標、逸散性粒狀污染源,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-FA11-03-A028 經費年度 093 計畫經費 7700 千元
專案開始日期 2004/03/24 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 劉國棟
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000076222.PDF 59MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Air pollution quality improve action in KKP air basin area

英文摘要 In 2004, the Kao-Kao-Ping area PSI readings up to the end of December were 8.4% didn’t comply with the required 6.5% goals. The analysis of source emissions in the atmosphere, since 2004, showed that industrialization, increased source emissions and the increasingly arid climate were some of the reasons for the non-compliance of air quality control goals. The plan examined fugitive particulate matter for each pollution source in the Kao-Kao-Ping area included six air and land examinations. The plan examined seventy-nine construction sites, twenty particulate material heap sites and two separate cargo heap sites in Kaohsiung harbor. The air and land examinations resulted in 29 suspended cases and 6 cases of indictment; construction sites had 3 clear pollution cases and were charged by the EPB. The Bureau of Kaohsiung Harbor Affairs will budget approximately NT$20 million to improve the dust fugitive problem in the harbor areas thus controlling the heap site particulate material problems. The plan analyzed high potential ozone precursor and factories and made a list of twenty major items that required specific attention. There were more than 20 cases involving refineries flare and the usage of organic solutions involving NMHC emissions. The plan must first strengthen regular emission monitoring before it can control the flare. The usage of organic solutions needs further control measures and the primary manufacturers need to be required to produce water-based ink and paint. This would then reduce the emissions of volatile organic matter in Kao-Kao-Ping area.
英文關鍵字 the air quality goal of PSI>100、fugitive particulate