

中文摘要 本計畫為三年延續性計畫的第三年計畫,九十一年度及九十二年期間已推估修正完成[TEDS5.1版]以89年為基準年的排放量資料庫,並針對已建置完成排放量資料庫分析結果所發現不確定性較大的污染源類別,研擬推動中央及地方改進排放量資料不確定性的工作分工,屬較全面性及地方特性基本資料者由縣市累積調查建置,如裸露地、道路髒污分佈及露天燃燒等,本年度計畫即執行縣市資料之輔導檢核並協助各縣市解決資料建置上可能之問題;另屬全國需有一致性資料者,如不同等級髒污道路的代表性表土淤泥含量(sL值)之建立,其影響道路車行揚塵排放量大,過去較缺乏本土性數據,造成不確定性大,此建議由中央統一建置,故本年度計畫已針對不同等級髒污道路共進行360個樣本採樣分析。此外,本計畫之主要工作尚包括對於部份排放量較為異常的污染類別進行檢討分析;建立排放量推估品保作業指引手冊等,主要目標為希望逐漸減少排放量推估結果的不準確性,提昇下一個版本全國排放量推估結果的品質。今年度對於排放量的應用面方面另建立月排放量變化之活動量指標及月排放量變動趨勢之推估,以做為短期空品惡化原因分析輔助之參考;並在目前環保署固定源網頁中增加了既有排放資料庫整合查詢功能,並持續進行空氣品質質損資料之估算及檢討,提供主計處93年度綠色國民所得帳編製所需之資料。
中文關鍵字 表土淤泥含量(sL值),品保作業指引,活動強度月變化指標,綠色國民所得帳,空氣品質質損,,,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-FA11-03-D035 經費年度 093 計畫經費 9650 千元
專案開始日期 2004/02/23 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 倪佩貞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 中鼎工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000076557.PDF 68MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Update and management for air pollution emission inventory and estimation for air pollution degradation of GNP(III)

英文摘要 This year’s project is the third year of a 3-year period continuity project. In year 2002 and 2003, The [TEDS5.1](Taiwan Emission Data System) version of Air Emission Inventory database based on year 2000 had been established and the authority about responsibility of the improvement for more uncertainty emission sources had been planning in year 2003 too. One of this year’s works of the project is to audit the data of area emission sources reported from local government and assist them to resolve the problems during establishing the databank. Besides that, 360 samples of silt loading for road dust are conducted in this year’s project. In addition, the main works of the project still include:reviewing for part of the emission sources with extraordinary emissions, preparing the guideline for Quality Assurance of Emission Inventory. The purpose of above works is to reduce the uncertainty of the emission inventory gradually. In the application of the emission data, the works are covering: establishment of monthly activity indicators and estimation for the trends of monthly emissions, which could assist on the analysis for the cause of short-term air quality deterioration, setting up the query function on the web-page of stationary sources management system of TEPA, calculating and reviewing for the air pollution degradation based on the update version of air emission inventory, and providing the required information to the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) of Executive Yuan for editing the Green GNP (Gross National Product) report of year 2004.
英文關鍵字 Silt Loading,Quality Assurance guideline,monthly activity indicator,Green GNP,Air Pollution Degradation