

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的為評估建置民眾主動報繳回收廢機動車輛作業網路傳輸資訊系統之可行性評估作業,在最後提出三個最為優選之方案。並在工作期程內完成歷年廢車獎勵金退件率、審查時間變化情形之分析、針對回收商舉辦北、中、南區三場e化說明會、全省五十場回收商及拖車現場勘查作業、針對目前廢車獎勵金審查作業問題提出評估配套措施、回收廢機動車輛作業網路傳輸資訊系統建置可行性評估、研擬書面電子化傳輸方式之格式及監理單位、數位簽名、身份資料等即時查核比對方式等工作項目。 在歷年廢車獎勵金退件率、審查時間變化情形之分析中,本計畫收集了歷年來奬勵金申請的退件率並分析其主要之原因,也詳列了過去審查時間的變化情形,並藉由分析退件率和審查時間之變化來推估在作業流程e化後可以達到之預期效益。 本計畫依全省回收商之分部情形各在北、中、南區舉辦三場e化說明會,三場說明會之出席率平均達全台回收商數量之八成,會中除了解各回收商對e化作業之看法及配合意願外,並收集業者多項寶貴意見,業者針對說明會各項之滿意度達八成五以上 本計畫依全省回收商之營量業,地區特性等挑選了全省五十場回收商及拖車現場勘查作業,以收集各方(回收商、車主、拖吊司機)對現行廢機動車輛回收報繳作業流程遇到的困難或意見,例如對於管制聯單領取填寫方式、回收獎勵金發放作業、廢機動車回收報繳作業之意見,第二是收集廢機動車輛回收報繳作業電子化之意見,以作為e化作業評估之重要參考資料。 本計畫並針對目前廢車獎勵金審查作業問題,提出由現行報繳程序中各項文書與檢附資料簡化、現行審查作業流程及退補件處理作業流程修訂方案、相關法令規範之修訂方案等配套措施。 在回收廢機動車輛作業網路傳輸資訊系統建置可行性評估中,本計畫將現行之文書作業流程分為民眾申請管道e化、管制聯單e化、車輛附件e化、車主收執聯e化、即時傳輸申請等五項評估項目,並從技術性、效益性、市場性三個方向來探討各評估項目的可行性,經三性分析後,已規劃出三個最可行之聯單e化方案,其中以利用PDA及數位相機並現場開立收執聯為最佳方案 在研擬書面電子化傳輸方式之格式中本計畫提出了SSL安全機制和XML之傳輸格式,透過這二種機制來確保民眾資料的安全和聯單格式的正確性。
中文關鍵字 廢機動車輛,網路傳輸資料系統,可行性評估,e化,,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-HA14-03-A153 經費年度 093 計畫經費 1550 千元
專案開始日期 2004/06/07 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 黃義芳
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000080463.pdf 9MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Availability Assessment on the Establishment of the Waste Vehicle Recycling Online Reporting Information Transferring System

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to assess the availability of establishing Waste Vehicle Recycling Online Reporting Information Transferring System. Through assessment, 3 most optimum schemes were chosen. During the project period time, the survey of waste vehicle recycling rewarding application returning rate, analysis of auditing during various time, electrification training symposium held in north, central, and south regions, on-site investigation in recycling enterprise and vehicle towing operation, recommendation about waste vehicle recycling rewarding auditing, availability assessment on the Establishment of the Waste Vehicle Recycling Online Reporting Information Transferring System, simultaneous comparison between digital signature and identity.This project collects the rewarding application-returning rate and analyzes the reason. Also, various reasons are classified and analyzed for various period of time. Expected efficiency will be achieved after the operation is electronized.Three symposiums were held in north, central, and south regions. The attending rate is up to 80% of total recycling enterprises. These symposiums collect various comments from various enterprises and their willingness of doing electronization. The satisfaction content is up to 85% and above.According to the recycling operation and local property, we choose 50 recycling enterprises and vehicle towing as on-site investigation. Basically, we collect comments from various parties (recycling enterprises, vehicle owner, and towing driver) about difficulties may exist when doing reporting on the waste vehicle recycling. For example, manifest filling, reward giving, vehicle registered as waste vehicle. Also we collect comments on “if the whole operation becomes electronized”, in order to carry out the electronization Aiming at waste vehicle rewarding application auditing, we suggest the existed process shall have its paper work simplified for reporting. Some other suggestions on amendment of auditing process and relevant regulation are also
英文關鍵字 Waste Vehicles,Online Information Transferring System,Availability Assessment,Electronization