

中文摘要 近年來我國空氣品質不良天數,肇因臭氧濃度超出標準之比率逐年攀高,如何降低臭氧前驅物氮氧化物、揮發性有機物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)之排放,為環保署近年來主要施政目標之ㄧ。早期廢(污)水處理廠僅著重於廢水處理功能良善與否,並未針對處理單元逸散之空氣污染物進行控制,然特定行業之廢水處理廠,如石化業,或大型廢(污)水處理廠,如工業區聯合污水處理廠,因揮發性有機物逸散量大,已漸被歸類為揮發性有機物排放源之ㄧ。為有效降低廢(污)水處理廠揮發性有機物排放量,並防止事業任意排放污染物至水體,改善廢(污)水處理廠鄰近區域之空氣品質,實有必要廢(污)水處理廠揮發性有機物排放進行管制。 國外工業先進國家中,以美國對廢水處理廠訂有較明確之空氣污染物排放管制,其主要管制公共污水處理廠所排放之有害空氣污染物(Hazardous Air Pollutants, HAPs),並未制定水中揮發性有機物管制標準。其HAPs中與揮發性有機物相關者有二甲苯、甲苯、乙基苯、氯仿、四氯乙烯、苯以及等物質。若固定污染源單一HAP排放量超出10 公噸/年,或所有HAPs排放量超出25 噸/年,美國環保署要求其必須進行相關空污防制措施,如設置空氣污染防制設備(如加蓋、抽氣處理等),以減少HAP之排放。另美國加州和德州已另訂定更為嚴格的管制規範,如加州Rule 1176,要求污水廠入流之總碳氫化合物濃度超過5 mg/L時,就必須要設立空氣污染防制設備。 本計畫共調查2處科學園區、1處石化工業區及3處綜合性工業區之聯合污水處理廠揮發性有機物特性,並針對工業區內電子、半導體、石化、製藥及造漆等使用有機溶劑之事業,進行排放廢水之揮發性有機物特性調查。依調查結果推估全國44座工業區聯合污水處理廠揮發性有機物空氣逸散量,每年約2,000公噸,其中科學園區與石化工業區因區內事業多已進行納管廢水前處理,所排放廢水中揮發性有機物較綜合性工業區為低,綜合性工業區歷次採樣,其進流廢水中揮發性有機物濃度最高可達800 mg/L(以甲醇計)。若以行業別加以比較,造漆業及製藥業所產生廢水,其廢水中揮發性有機物濃度平均較石化業、半導體及電子業為高。 綜合國內歷年調查結果,一級處理設備為廢水廠揮發性有機物空氣逸散主要單元。以最佳可行控制技術(Best Available Control Technology, BACT)邏輯分析各處理單元之揮發性有機物防治措施,於油水分離池空氣逸散揮發性有機物空氣防制,建議為:(1)浮動頂蓋,(2)液面10公分處<300 ppm (以甲烷表示),(3)氣閉式固定覆罩及氣體回收系統,其回收及破壞總和效率需達95 %,(4)氣閉式固定覆罩,一定排氣管高度,油水分離池排氣不處理,達成95 %之揮發性有機物空氣逸散防制效率者。對曝氣調整池及生物處理池空氣逸散揮發性有機物空氣防制,其BACT為池面加蓋並集氣處理,廢氣處理方式有:(1)揮發性有機物濃度5,000 ~ 10,000 ppm適用熱焚化法,(2)揮發性有機物濃度1,000 ~ 10,000 ppm適用蓄熱式焚化法,(3) 揮發性有機物濃度1,000 ppm以下適用蓄熱式焚化及活性污泥注入法,(4) 揮發性有機物濃度100 ppm以下適用活性污泥注入法。 本計畫建議整合廢水、空氣與廢棄物管制之資訊平台,自源頭清查含揮發性有機物廢液與廢水之產量,防止應由廢棄物處理管道處理之有機廢液,被任意傾倒至廢水處理廠處理,管末削減管制則以空氣污染防制法規為主—限制空氣中之總逸散量,水污染防治法規為輔—限制揮發性有機物僅以相的轉移自某一介面移除,而未進行妥善處理。由於揮發性有機物之環境影響主要於空氣介面,且空保處已於未來施政規劃中,逐步納入各行業之廢水處理廠為管制標的。為使 貴署施政步調具有一制性,建議以空保處管制作為為主軸,水保處配合以水污防治角度,限制污染行為者僅以相轉移方式處理含揮發性有機物廢水。建議可於現行「事業水污染防治措施管理辦法」中增訂「揮發性有機物廢水」管理措施專章,要求含揮發性有機物之事業廢(污)水,於儲留、運送、處理等過程中,須防範揮發性有機物再逸散至空氣中,而針對工業區專用下水道系統,則可要求管理單位制定允入標準,避免聯合污水處理廠無法處理之含揮發性有機物廢水排入。對尚未被空保處管制之行業別廢水處理廠,也可以審核許可證為手段,達到管制其揮發性有機物排放之目的。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物;污水處理廠,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-G105-02-210 經費年度 093 計畫經費 4130 千元
專案開始日期 2004/04/01 專案結束日期 2005/03/31 專案主持人 徐樹剛
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 國立中山大學 周明顯教授,輔英科技大學 鄭文熙助理教授


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期末報告 0000087545.pdf 13MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Survey, Database Establishment and Polacy Draw of VOC Emission from Petroleum and Electronic Industrial Park Wastewater Treatment Plants in Taiwan

英文摘要 As the trend of ambient ozone concentration is increasing In Taiwan in recent years, Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is putting more and more effort to control the emission of ozone precursors, especially volatile organic compound (VOC) and nitrogen oxide. As industrial park wastewater treatment plant (IPWTP) is considered one of the major VOC emission sources, it is necessary to survey the VOC content and characteristics in wastewater before any VOC emission control strategy was taken. In 2004, Taiwan’s EPA granted a project to investigate 6 different type of IPWTP and to construct database for VOC characteristics in industrial wastewater. The results of investigation showed that VOC concentrations in influent wastewater of IPWTP had a broad range from 17.9 to 863 μg/L, depending on whether pretreatment was employed in factories before being discharged into IPWTP. More VOC compounds were found in wastewater from conventional industrial park than from petrochemical industrial park or recent developed science park. Mass balance method and computer model (USEPA water 8 model) were applied to predict VOCs emitted level from each unit of wastewater treatment plant. According to the results from water 8 model, VOC emission from aeration process is unignorable. 7.4% to 49.4% of VOCs in influent wastewater will be emitted from aeration process. The measured result indicates that influent wastewater of IPWTP contains different VOCs and also has different emission rate from one treatment process to another. In light of the database constructed in this project, Taiwan’s EPA and Department of Industrial Park Management has initiated the process to set up inlet VOC concentration standards of wastewater to regulate VOC emission from IPWTP. A draft of latest version of Air Pollution Control regulation in Taiwan will include regulations of VOC emission from IPWTP.
英文關鍵字 volatile organic compound,wastewater treatment plant