

中文摘要 目前國內對於水污染源之放流水標準管制的方式,主要在於管制水污染源廢水排放濃度,即一般所熟知之放流水標準,故水污染源在初期設置廢水處理廠時大都以此為基本規範,以符合法令規定。但若徒有法規而無稽查制度之配合落實,則管制成效必大打折扣,因此以往之稽查大都採勤查重罰,其目的在於嚇阻不法以保障守法,並確實督導業者設置廢水處理設施以符合法令規定。現今業者廢水處理設施大都已設置,但正常操作時需花錢而不操作卻可省錢,因此部份不法業者乃採取偷排方式,以節省其廢水處理之成本支出,故造成稽查人員為取締不法行為而疲於奔命。為此環保機關除加強提升稽查人員之專業素質外,對於有能力執行功能評鑑查證污染改善之程度(查出不法),或透過輔導改善等都是必要手段。此外,我國的工廠具規模大小變異大且家數多之特色,因此所排放之污染物之種類與數量差異亦大。面對這樣的情況,主管機關的檢測與管制工作勢必相當繁雜,並且須耗費大量的人力資源與費用支出,但在政府精簡各組織人力的計畫下,管制稽查人力的縮減將使得各人員的業務量相形繁重。而縣(市)環保局檢驗及查核人力有限、經費短缺、事業單位非法偷排手法日異翻新,以及人事受地方政治環境影響等,使得稽查取締非法偷排行為的工作更加困難。因此,若想提升環境保護之稽查管制功能,除了加強事業單位現場查核及河川稽巡查工作外,援用可行之科學蒐證方式或儀器工具,以分擔查核所需人力及物力,應為另一有效輔助查核工具。藉由上述各項管制措施及查核蒐證作業,擬使事業單位更加妥善處理其廢水,以防止環境再度遭受污染。
中文關鍵字 水污染防治,行政院環境保護署,科學蒐證,合理性分析,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-G102-02-212 經費年度 093 計畫經費 4090 千元
專案開始日期 2004/05/21 專案結束日期 2005/03/31 專案主持人 廖君庸
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 技佳工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000087742.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

「Waste Water Treatment Functional Examination and Scientific Investigation of Water Pollution Control in Industrial Zone」

英文摘要 The current domestic discharge control measures to the water pollution sources mainly target at the waste water discharge concentration level from the water pollution sources. This measure is officially known as the waste water discharge standard. Therefore, to fulfill the standard, establishing the waste water treatment plant in a water pollution source is then becoming an indispensable requirement at the early stage of water pollution control program. However, the effectiveness of the waste water discharge standard for water pollution control works could not be achieved without a proper investigation measure. The purposes of the implementation of incessant investigation and heavy fines are to inhibit the lawlessness and to ensure every water pollution source has conformed with the legal standard. Seemingly, most factories nowadays have established waste water treatment facilities. Many of the factories do not operate the waste water treatment facilities due to the factor of cost saving. Hence, illicit discharges to the water bodies are often seen. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) consequently requires to advance the skills of the investigation personnel to be able to locate illicit discharge, to perform waste water treatment facilities functional examination, and to provide professional counseling to the proprietor. In addition, the domestic factories are various in scales, business types, and locations. Thus, pollutant types and volumes are often in vast differences. For this reason, huge human resources and administrative costs would be required for the EPA to correspond to these causes. Consequently, to successfully tackle these problems and difficulties, the environmental protection bodies would need enhanced methods and advanced scientific equipments to assist in investigation works, achieving water pollution control and reducing the environment pollution to the minimum.
英文關鍵字 Water Pollution Control,Environmental Protection Administration EPA