

中文摘要 本案透過兩棟不同典型建築物之實地室內空氣品質診斷與改善,探討調查流程及改善策略成效,整體而言兩棟建築均存在有室內空氣中微生物濃度過高之問題以及通風換氣不良之問題,本研究針對A案例及B案例分別進行試型改善策略,結果顯示,有效提高通風換氣效率並降低微生物濃度。但其通風換氣效率依然低於國外相關通風規範及我國建築技術規則之通風換氣規範,進一步若要增加整體通風換氣量則需進一步討論整體通風設備規劃之工程問題,相關耗費將非常龐大。但本研究亦顯示,在不牽涉硬體工程設施情況下,室內空間使用及管理行為的調整亦能相當程度的改善室內空氣品質。 在室內空氣品質與健康危害之相關性探討上,本研究利用前期室內空氣品質調查及使用者健康問卷調查,分析探討空氣污染物與病態建築症候群之相關性,結果顯示,生物性污染在本土辦公建築中對於員工相關病態建築症候群之表現,相較於其他污染物扮演最重要之角色。因此,未來有必要對於生物性危害之改善方法及控制策略進行各類測試及研究,以期未來能對國內辦公建築生物性污染問題進行有效之管理控制,以降低各類症狀發生之頻率,減少工時耗損及生產力下降之成本支出。 進一步自國內現有的相關統計資料庫資源,初步對於各種室內空氣品質相關疾病在我國醫療上之成本支出進行了整合性的估算。結果發現,若能對於我國室內空氣品質有所推廣及改善,整體而言,我國每年在相關疾病的健保醫療支出上可減少37億3千萬至40億2千萬之間,為數相當可觀。且本研究粗估的數據僅包含健保醫療上的支出,並不包含其他照護成本、工時損失、生產力等,因此整體而言,改善空氣品質可獲致之健康成本應遠高於本研究所估算的37億3千萬至40億2千萬之間。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質,病態建築症候群,醫療支出,微生物,改善策略,,,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-FA11-03-A118 經費年度 093 計畫經費 2600 千元
專案開始日期 2004/04/01 專案結束日期 2005/02/28 專案主持人 蘇慧貞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 國立成功大學環境醫學研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000092672.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

Health risks and cost benefits evaluations of controlling indoor air quality

英文摘要 This study conducted a serious of indoor air quality investigations in two different types of buildings in Taiwan, office and school building. Data of environmental assessment showed that both types of buildings had inadequate air change rate and indoor microbial levels higher than recommendation level. Remedial strategies were then proposed, taking into account the existing design and designated function of each environment. A follow-up evaluation demonstrated that increasing air change rate could reduce microbial levels in both office buildings and school classrooms, while the air change rates were still below the minimum requirement recommended by the in Taiwan’s building code. Nonetheless, this investigation identified that improving indoor air quality by proper management of the ventilation system could be achieved without expensive re-construction. Our study has also highlighted that sick building syndromes, based on serial questionnaire surveys in Taiwan, were highly associated with microbial contamination in office buildings. This findings support the potential impact of health effects related to and medical costs resulted from airborne microbial contamination in Taiwan, and the importance of controlling for such an exposure. Cost of medical care in the diseases such as allergic respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, and acute respiratory infection were estimated according to the Nation Health Insurance database. The preliminary estimations have shown that improving indoor air quality could save about 3.7 to 4 billion NT dollars in medical care expense. This estimation might still be well underestimated for not having considered other social costs, loss of working hours and reduction in production.
英文關鍵字 Indoor air quality,sick building syndrome,medical cost,microbes,control strategy