

中文摘要 本計畫針對全國廢棄工廠進行通案評估,建立基本資料庫,並篩選污染潛勢較高者進行調查與查證管制,以為廢棄工廠管理之基礎。 根據工業局資料,廢棄工廠達十萬家以上,為篩選代表性工廠,工作團隊彙整國內與美、歐、日等國之土水污染案例,研訂應優先關注之九大類高污染潛勢業別,並蒐集國內相關類型廢棄工廠基本資料及建置資料庫。續依現有工廠資訊,以條件式分層篩選,及藉由初步勘查、現場勘查、環境資料庫比對等方式補充場址資訊,建置量化篩選評量系統,完成初步評分,以為分期實施調查名單研訂之基礎,並經審查會確認本年度優先調查15家工廠名單。 調查工作分為二階段實施,第一階段為污染調查,有疑慮者進入第二階段污染查證。經第一階段15家工廠調查,超過半數具土壤或地下水污染跡象;再經第二階段9家工廠污染查證,確認至少有6家超過污染管制標準,應列管改善,另有3家亦需適當之管理措施。此一結果顯示九大類事業之廢棄工廠污染之比例不低,可提供環保單位後續污染控制及採取因應措施之參考。 另依土水法八、九條研訂之「環境場址潛在土壤污染評估辦理事業用地土壤污染檢測參考指引」及參照ASTM Phase I之精神,提供自主檢查程序與重點說明,以供工廠管理或自主檢查參考。
中文關鍵字 廢棄工廠,高污染潛勢業別,場址調查,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-GA12-03-A130 經費年度 093 計畫經費 15675 千元
專案開始日期 2004/07/02 專案結束日期 2005/09/01 專案主持人 陳慎德技師
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000115280.pdf 22MB [期末報告]公開版

Investigation of Potential Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Abandoned Industrial Sites

英文摘要 An overall evaluation of potential soil and groundwater contamination of abandoned industrial sites in Taiwan was fulfilled and the database management system of the above sites was set up in this project. In addition, 15 industrial sites regarded as high potential contaminated industrial sites were selected for exemplificative investigation and verification. Investigations were divided into two stages throughout this project. The first stage was for the pollution investigation. Sites revealed high-contaminated possibilities at the first stage would enter to the second stage for pollution verification. After 15 priority sites investigations at the first stage, over 50 percent of the investigated sites were suspected sites; and later after 9 sites verification at the second stage, the concentrations of pollutants in soil or groundwater of 6 verified sites exceeded the soil or groundwater pollution control standards in Taiwan, and the 6 sites should be declared to be control sites. Furthermore, 3 of the verified sites were suggested to be proper control. Since the results indicated high possibilities in soil or groundwater contamination of the abandoned industrial sites belonged to the 9 potential high-contaminated industries, it was recommended that the local authorities should pay more attention to the above the 9 classes of potential high-contaminated industries.
英文關鍵字 Abandoned Industrial Site,High Potential Contaminated Industry,Site Investigation