

中文摘要 本計畫涵蓋命名(nomenclature)、毒理學研究資訊交換(exchange of information on human and ecological toxicology studies)、奈米科技的環境效益(environmental benefits of nanotechnology)以及風險評估的方法 (methodologies for risk assessment),其目標為○1與全球四大主軸議題同步發展,研析結論回饋國際社會與○2對全球四大主軸議題,提出具體國內因應對策,並經必要之溝通確認。 本計畫將奈米名詞分為8大類並已匯集186個名詞。毒理學資訊則蒐集國內外奈米微粒、量子點、富勒烯(fullerene)以及碳奈米管之毒理學資訊,並中譯兩篇國際有關奈米毒理的重要文獻。環境效益則蒐集並歸納國內外奈米科技針對環境友善之研究與應用的成果,並加以歸納整理為五大類型。於風險管理上建立了預警原則與奈米健康風險評估架構,以因應奈米技術所帶來之潛在危害,並回應歐體於2004年Brussels舉辦之研商會所做出建立標準化風險評估之呼籲。 本計畫所建議之奈米名詞分類,未來可依此架構陸續增加詞彙,以利於國內奈米研究人員使用相同語言,以及行政單位法規之研擬;毒理學資訊交換提供國內外毒理學資訊與國際接軌;環境效益分為五大類型,可作為未來奈米技術努力的方向;風險評估則已建立了工程奈米微粒之健康風險評估架構,可作為未來國內奈米風險評估之努力方向,以利於政府之奈米風險管理。
中文關鍵字 奈米技術,風險評估,奈米微粒,,,


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-U1U1-02-105 經費年度 093 計畫經費 1400 千元
專案開始日期 2004/12/30 專案結束日期 2005/11/30 專案主持人 陳康興
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 執行單位 國立中山大學環境工程研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000115520.pdf 5MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Analysis and Response on Four Main International Issues of Nanotech Development

英文摘要 The study areas of this project includes nomenclature, methodologies for risk assessment, the exchange of information on human and ecological toxicology studies, and the environmental benefits of nanotechnology which are stated to be the current four main issues in nanotechonology research. Its goals are (1) to develop the four main issues concurrently with international communities and feedback the study results to them, and (2) to develop concrete domestic policy on the four main issues after consultation with nanotech researchers. This project has collected 186 nanoterms which are grouped into eight categories. Toxicological information of nanomaterials including nanopartilces, quantum dots, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes has been collected. Two well-known articles on nanotoxicology are also translated into Chinese. Potential environmental benefits based on the results of research and environmentally friendly applications of nanotech are also collected and analyzed, and then classified into five categories. This project has established a preliminary framework for health risk assessment and identified the need for further work. To manage and regulate risks associated with nanotech, a Precautionary Principle is also suggested to help prevent or reduce risks before the completed development of the above mentioned standardized approach. The suggested classification of nanoterms can be used to continue adding new ones over the next 3 years. Information gathered on nanotoxicology will serve as good references concurrently for domestic and international researchers in the pursuits of nanotoxicology. The classification of environmental benefits into five categories will provide a direction for the environmental nanotechnology. The established framework for health assessment of risks associated with nanomaterials can be used to continue the development of a standardized approach for the assessment of nanotechnology risks to human health, the environment, consumers and workers.
英文關鍵字 Nanotechnology,risk assessment,nanoparticle