

中文摘要 第1次調查主題為「國人環保感受面」,調查結果顯示:有四成五的民眾認為目前的空氣品質較過去三年惡化;民眾認為造成最大困擾的空氣污染源為交通工具排放的廢氣;五成六民眾認為汽機車等交通噪音對生活作息影響最大,可見汽機車等交通工具對環境品質影響很大。<br>  三成二的民眾認為目前的河川水質較過去三年改善,而民眾認為應優先進行河川污染整治工作為加強管制工業廢水排放、清除河面及河岸垃圾及加強管制畜牧廢水排放。<br>  六成七的民眾認為居家環境清潔和去年相較情況有改善;有七成八的民眾認為「家戶垃圾清運」與去年相較情況有改善。針對營建廢棄物非法任意棄置情形嚴重程度,民眾的意見分歧。<br>  民眾認為政府應致力改善的環境污染問題為「空氣污染」及「河川污染」。<br> <br>   第2次調查主題為「環保政策面」,調查結果顯示:多數民眾贊成限制產品過度包裝,且有六成五的民眾表示不會購買過度包裝的產品。<br>  近六成的民眾知道將全面實施垃圾強制分類,且多數民眾表示願意配合垃圾強制分類。贊成與反對取消有店面的餐飲業不能免費提供購物用塑膠袋規定的民眾比率相近,各占四成五左右。<br>  另外,針對特定廢棄物品之回收處理方式及相關看法:就廢(舊)電池回收方面,民眾對「強制規定須以廢(舊)電池才能換購新電池」這項規定的贊同度雖較「預付押金才能購買電池,並於電池回收後才可退回押金」高,惟仍有四成七的民眾不贊成,因此宜再審慎評估,並制定相關配套措施,以利提升廢電池回收率。<br>  目前分別有三成六及一成六的民眾主動將廢棄的光碟片及廢棄的行動電話交給清潔隊或其他回收站回收;但95年若將廢光碟片或廢行動電話列入公告應回收項目,皆有九成以上的民眾表示願意配合交給清潔隊或其他回收站回收。
中文關鍵字 環保意向,環保政策,民意調查,


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-FA11-03-A140 經費年度 094 計畫經費 850 千元
專案開始日期 2005/03/11 專案結束日期 2005/12/15 專案主持人 楊雅惠
主辦單位 統計室 承辦人 執行單位 全國意向顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000117089.pdf 16MB [期末報告]公開完整版

2005 R.O.C. Public Opinion Survey on Environmental Policies

英文摘要 The topic in the first survey was "the people#s experience with environmental protection". 45% of the public believes that air quality is getting worse compared to the past 3 years. The public takes the exhaust of transportation as the main pollutant in air pollution. 56% take traffic noise from cars and motorcycles as the major threat to their daily lives. <br>  32% of the public perceives quality of river water is better than that of 3 years ago. Top 3 of priorities on river pollution prevention to be implemented by the government is: enhance controls against industrial wastewater dischargers, cleaning garbage on water surface and on the banks of the river, and enhance discharge control of the pasturage wastewater.<br>   67% of the public perceives that household surroundings are cleaner compared with last year; additionally, for the "household refuse collection" issue in comparison with the last year, 78% perceive an improvement. Addressing the severity of illegal discarding of construction waste, the public opinions diverge. <br>  The public deems the government shall endeavor to improve the environment against pollution, with the top 2 opinions in "improvement on air pollution caused by cars and motorcycles" and "improvement on river pollution". <br><br>  The second survey topic was "Environmental protection policies of government". Most people agreed to limit the amount of packaging on goods. 65% would not purchase goods that had been overly packaged. <br>  Nearly 60% were aware of the comprehensive compulsory sorting of garbage, most people were willing to sort their garbage. The percentages were 45% between those either for or against repeal of law on not freely giving out shopping bags. <br>  Regarding used battery recycling, the public were more in favor of "compulsory regulation of exchanging used batteries to purchase new ones" than "pay deposit first then purchase batteries, deposit could be refunded after batteries were returned for recycling". There were still 47% not in favor, this required furthe
英文關鍵字 environmental intention, environmental policies, poll survey