

中文摘要 依據「九十一年度台南縣加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)甄選須知規定,本計畫各項目成果簡要說明如下: 一、 量化目標數 1.掃街目標數20,000㎞,計畫共完成21,009.5㎞,達成率105.05﹪。 2.洗街目標數20,000㎞,計畫共完成20,723.44㎞,達成率103.62﹪。 3.TSP檢測目標數18點次,計畫共檢測18點次,達成率100﹪。 4.問卷調查目標數300份,計畫共執行300份,達成率100﹪。 5.水質檢測目標數1次,計畫共檢測1次,達成率100﹪。 6.街塵粒徑分析目標數8次,計畫共執行8次,達成率100﹪。 二、年度洗掃街達成削減量 依環保署考評指標中洗掃街削減係數0.0138Ton/㎞計算,年度TSP削減量575.9Ton,PM10削減量108.51Ton。 三、問卷調查結果 經由此次問卷調查,可瞭解對於洗掃街作業成效與民眾滿意度,結果顯示已達中上之水準,並希望能持續執行各項空氣污染防制工作。 四、TSP檢測結果 洗掃前TSP平均濃度為335μg/m3,洗掃後TSP平均濃度下降為234μg/m3,平均下降濃度為101μg/m3,平均削減率達30.2﹪。 五、街塵粒徑分析 由街塵粒徑分析結果推估,本縣單位長度塵土削減量為6.38㎏/㎞,揚塵削減量係數為3.02㎏/㎞,坋土削減量係數為0.72㎏/㎞。 六、水源 洗掃街車使用水源均為合法,水質經檢驗合乎丁類標準,洗街車洗街平均用水量為0.215Ton/㎞。 七、GPS監控系統 計畫期間於洗掃街車加裝GPS行車派遣監督系統,監控中心設於環保局,藉由GPS監控提昇作業品質,掌握車輛最新動態。 八、空氣品質惡化通報 於計畫期間配合空品區空氣品質惡化通報,支援洗掃環保署善化及新營兩測站周圍道路,以防止PSI指數及空氣品質持續惡化,共支援18站日數,執行洗掃街104公里。 九、推動企業道路洗掃認養
中文關鍵字 台南縣,街道揚塵洗掃


專案計畫編號 0910527001 經費年度 091 計畫經費 6085 千元
專案開始日期 2002/05/27 專案結束日期 2003/02/27 專案主持人 蔡昇鍵
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 台南縣環保局


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000003955.pdf 26MB [期末報告]

2002 Tainan country streets sweeps achievement project

英文摘要 Depend on “2002 Tainan country stresses streets sweeping achievement project.” Rules, and the working abstract are as table 1 and table 2, and the details are as following: 一、Amount purpose: 1. Sweeping purpose is 20,000㎞, we complete 21,009.5㎞and the rate of achievement is 105.05﹪. 2.Cleaning purpose is 20,000㎞, we complete 20,723.44㎞, and the rate of achievement is 103.62﹪. 3.TSP inspection purpose is 18 points, the project inspects 18 points, and the rate is 100﹪. 4.The survey purpose is 300, the project gets 300, and rate of achievement is 100﹪. 5.Water quality inspects purpose 1 time, project inspects 1 time and the rate of achievement is 100﹪. 6.Float dusty analysis purpose 8 times, the project purpose is 8 times, and the rate of achievement is 100﹪. 二、Reducing counts of sweeping in whole year Depend on the Environment Protection Bureau signal the reducing counts in 0.0138 Ton/㎞, TSP reduces 575.9 Ton in whole year, and PM10 reduces 108.51 Ton. 三、Survey result The result tells us that we get better than middle and hopes to do the air pollution control jobs constantly. 四、TSP inspection result Before sweeping the TSP average concentration is 335μg/m3, after sweeping the TSP reduce to 234μg/m3, and the average concentration reduce 101μg/m3, and the reducing rate is 30.2﹪. 五、Analyze the float dusty From the result, our country dusty reduce 6.38㎏/㎞, the float dusty reduces 3.02㎏/㎞. 六、Water source The sweeping car’s using water is on law, the water is correct of the standard and the average water amount is 0.215Ton/㎞. 七、GPS watching system In the period of project the sweeping cars plus the GPS watching system, the control century is set up on Environment Protection Bureau to promote the working quality and control the activity. 八、Promulgate the bad air quality In the period of the project harmony with the promulgation the bad air quality, help the sweeping to prevent the PSI points and air quality get bad. Total help for 18 days and do the sweeping for 104 km. 九、Push industries to adopt the street of sweeping
英文關鍵字 streets sweeps achievement,Tainan country