

中文摘要 在台灣目前除了台北市建立完成捷運系統之外, 絕大部分都市仍以柴油車輛做為最主要的大眾運輸工具,由於國內經濟快速進步,機動車輛數快速成長,成為最主要的移動性空氣污染源。而柴油引擎具有高扭力低故障之特性,柴油車輛長久以來一直是客、貨運業者之主要選擇。嘉義市目前有柴油車大客車435輛和大貨車2742輛,及汽、柴油小貨車有7717輛及特種車826輛,為了解使用中車輛之排煙情形並促使排放黑煙的柴油車主即時進行污染改善,本計畫利用建立完成之動力計排煙檢測設備, 對設籍本市有排煙過量之虞之柴油車輛進行排煙檢測, 並對於柴油車使用之燃油進行含硫量分析,期以降低嘉義地區柴油車排氣污染量。 本年度計有目測判煙寄發通知到站檢測車輛共1609輛,民眾陳情車輛數共189輛,合計1798輛。其中共有273輛申請展延,並有816輛應車主要求移外縣市檢驗。 自本年度計畫自四月下旬開始至十二月底截止,到站檢測車輛數共有1259輛次,檢驗合格車輛數有1199輛次佔95.2%,而有60輛次經排煙檢驗不合格,不合格率為4.8%。 如再將自提污染改善申請到檢車輛與被動收到通知到站檢測車輛分別評估,則通知到檢車輛之不合格比率〈2.9%〉比自提改善車輛之不合格率〈1.9%〉高出53%之多。 在路邊攔車與檢驗CNS11644部分,本年度共執行500輛次之檢測。其中不合格者有149輛,不合格率高達29.8%,其不合格率為通知到檢不合格率的10.3倍。對於柴油車輛使用油品含硫量之檢測,本年度共於動力站對受測車輛抽取20支油樣,並會同中區督察大隊及環保警察於路邊攔檢共抽取180支油樣。 油品含硫量分析結果,在動力站取樣部分有2支油樣不合格佔10%,而路邊攔車抽油檢驗結果有18支油樣含硫量偏高,不合格率亦為10%。 自提污染改善部分: 本年度延續以往便民措施自四月下旬至十二月底為止計有187輛次申請自提污染改善,經檢驗後有24輛不合格,不合格率佔12.8%。這些初驗不合格車輛經調修改善,複驗結果均能合乎法規要求。
中文關鍵字 嘉義市,空氣品質,柴油車


專案計畫編號 09204150001 經費年度 092 計畫經費 5100 千元
專案開始日期 2003/04/15 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 陳中邦
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 嘉義市環保局


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000006778.pdf 0MB 公開版

2003 Chiayi city air quality improvement plan and diesel cars power gauge smoke emission inspection station project.

英文摘要 In Taiwan most cities take diesel cars for the key public transportation tool besides Taipei, which has MRT. Because of the fast business of our country, motors become more and more quickly, and it becomes the major moving air pollution source. In order to understand the using cars’ smoke emission condition and promote that condition of stopping black smoke emission. This project uses the facilities of power gauge smoke emission inspection to do the test of the high amount smoke emission to reduce the air pollution in Chiayi. In the part of analysing the oil using by diesel cars, this year we take 125 oil samples to do analysis of the amount of sulfur; includes 106 oil samples from blocking on the road, but has 21 unqualified after examining. Otherwise, we get 19 oil models from inspection station, and have 4 unqualified. The rate of unqualified is 20%. Depend on the power gauge smoke emission inspection analyse, every type of cars’ power are distributed on 30~50%. And this result of statistics tells us that it has great influence for power, which follow the driver’s habit, maintenance condition in heavy cars. Compare the car to test in the inspection station and the oil models from blocking cars on the road, their rate of unqualified are close. But in the sulfur of these two, the oil sample from blocking on the road is average three more than the inspection station’s cars. So we guess maybe the drivers use the illegal diesel generally, they change to use qualified diesel before going to the station do the test.
英文關鍵字 Chiayi city,air quality,diesel cars