

中文摘要 計畫執行成果摘要 一、本計畫至12月22日止共巡查371家次,依據本計畫巡查資料顯示,台東縣境內共計列管27家砂石場及27家預拌混凝土廠,砂石場大部份集中於台東市及大武鄉,以流域而言,卑南溪分佈之家數最多。在預拌混凝土廠部份,台東市七家最多,其次是成功鎮、大武鄉。 二、砂石場防制設備情況,顯示場外道路、出入口、物料輸送、場區道路、堆置場之防制設施設置比例分別為78%、81%、37%、100%、22%,因此砂石場部份以物料輸送及堆置場之污染防制為巡查及宣導重點,卸料坡道應加設鋪面及自動灑水設施,堆置場應覆蓋防塵網及加設自動灑水設施。預拌混凝土廠防制設備情況,顯示場外道路、出入口、製程設備、物料輸送、場區道路、堆置場之防治設施設置比例分別為96%、96%、100%、85%、100%、15%,整體而言,預拌廠污染防制表現比砂石場好,但其堆置場進行防制比率仍偏低,此部份仍須加強宣導。 三、比較砂石場及預拌廠之廠內鋪面比例,砂石場之場內鋪面比例平均介於10~50%,預拌廠之廠內鋪面比例介於10~90%。 四、工廠輔導與污染物減量方面,完成共計六家砂石場及四家預拌混凝土廠輔導作業,全年粒狀污染物削減量達170.93公噸,為本年度固定污染源污染物削減量之主要來源。 五、本計畫亦進行再減量潛勢討論,討論內容包含各場(廠)未來可以再加強之污染防制設施及未來可以透過防制措施增設達成之污染減量,依據估計,砂石場未來仍有631.88公噸減量之空間,預拌廠未來仍有57.11公噸減量之空間。 六、截至十二月底目前台東縣砂石場列管等級情況,其中第一級(經清查發現無設置污染防制措施或巡查中發現防制措施已失效而未改善者)共計十三家、第二級(僅採行部份防制措施或已採行防制措施惟未有效運用者)十四家,本縣並無第三級(已採行適當污染防制措施之業者,包含灑水、洗車台、鋪設鋼板或柏油)之管制對象。 七、於計畫初期道路認養之業者數量為15家,本計畫配合巡查作業將所有營運中之業者列入推動配合之對象,積極宣導道路認養作業,目前有提報道路認養承諾書之業者已經增加為23家,總認養長度為9810公尺,現階段4至11月總計達成洗街長度為996.21公里,掃街長度為539.82公里。 八、稽查檢測作業目前已完成檢測砂石廠22家次及預拌廠3家次,檢測結果顯示各場(廠)測值均低於「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」中TSP周界標準值500µg/Nm3。 九、本計畫量化目標執行情形如表一所示,表二及表三為工作計畫書審查及期中審查意見回覆及期末階段執行情形。
中文關鍵字 93年砂石計畫,砂石


專案計畫編號 經費年度 094 計畫經費 1805 千元
專案開始日期 2005/01/27 專案結束日期 2005/01/27 專案主持人 洪昆厚
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000070763.zip 2MB 公開版

Inspection Plan on aggregate plants and concrete premixing plants in Taitung

英文摘要 Abstract 1. Untile 22 December 2004, 371 inspections have been performed as part of this project. The inspection records indicate that 27 aggregate plants and 27 concrete premixing plants are monitored by the Taichung County Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB). Most of these plants are located in Taitung City,Dawu Township and Chenggong Township. 2. Compare the percentage of paved ground in aggregate plant and concrete premixing plants, paved ground in aggregate plant is about 10~50%,and about 10~90% in concrete premixing plants. 3. The consulting services on air pollution control have been provided to 6 aggregate plants and 4 concrete premixing plants. It is estimated that a total of 170.93 metric tons of particulate emission was reduced during the last year. 4. This project also addresses the possibilities of further air emission reduction, which include the installation of air pollution control equipment and implementation of air pollution control plan. It is estimated that aggregate plants have the potential of reducing 631.88 tons and concrete premixing plants have the potential of reducing 57.11 tons. 5. Until the end of December, 13 aggregate plants are rated as Group I Plant (plants without pollution control device or effective control measures); 14 aggregate are rate as Group II Plant ( only part of pollution control measures are implemented). There are no Group III Plants in Taitung County. 6. At the beginning of this project, 15 plants carry out road cleaning on voluntary basis. The number of plants that sign up to the road cleaning program is increased to 23 at the end of this project. 7. Ambient air monitoring on TSP has been carried out at 23 aggregate plants and 3
英文關鍵字 Inspection Plan on aggregate plants