

中文摘要 一、經由主動之稽巡查作業,確實掌握時效,有效的處理工業污染問題,並減少抗爭。 二、強化夜間及假日空氣污染陳情案件之處理,使違反者不再存僥倖心理,以落實服務成效。 三、協助處理空氣污染陳情及一般巡查案件,並對列管之污染事件進行追蹤,有效杜絕公害維護環境空氣品質。 四、彙整陳情分析統計及改善狀況之報告。 五、配合SIP計畫,執行本市空氣品質惡化時管制方式及各污染物削減量管制等事項。 1.3工作內容 一、一般工作事宜 (一)排班輪值處理夜間及假日、非上班時間之陳情案件稽巡查。 (二)於重點地區(後湖里工業區、河床旁縣市交界處等)或屢次被陳情之公私場所及上級交辦案件,分級執行巡查,必要時重點埋守取締污染源。 (三)陳情案件以電腦建檔並追蹤改善情形。 (四)緊急事件之先驅調查及協助通報。 (五)於各階段結束時應彙整執行成果並分析陳情案類別。 二、其他配合工作事宜 (一)配合 貴局及上級相關工作檢討會,提供計畫執行進度並彙整簡報資料,出席報告等。 (二)配合進度管制,於每日應在工作日誌紀錄陳情受理、辦理情形及臨時交辦事項,並每週三前提報上週累計工作進度情形表,並每月五日前提交考核月報表,每季結束前提交考核季報表。並依據環保署績效考核辦法,自行檢討計畫執行績效。 (三)配合相關作業及在各階段工作計畫結束前一個月內應就軟硬體作業辦理講習以利技術轉移。 三、建立陳情案件受理之標準作業流程。 四、處理空氣污染陳情案件及一般巡查合計三百件次以上。 五、各階段終止前一個月內應造冊派員移交並作技術轉移,且須經驗收及確認功能正常無誤。 六、應參考計畫審查意見(含服務建議書審查意見)執行本計畫。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染,陳情


專案計畫編號 經費年度 093 計畫經費 1058 千元
專案開始日期 2004/04/15 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 蔡文華
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000072414.pdf 9MB [期末報告]

The project of Chia Yi City air quality improvement and maintenance-Air pollution control protest case processing program

英文摘要 Summary The main working items of this program are to process Chia Yi city night protest cases, and, coordinating with the processing of holiday air pollution protest cases to establish pollution source and location lists for these received frequent protests, consolidate the analysis and statistics of the protests, and the improvement status of the pollution sources received frequent protests. From program implemented this year, we discovered that, since our city is metropolitan type, the night protects were mostly noise (such as night market, and karaoke etc.). In year 2004, there were a total of 1361 protest cases (including waste disposal application 507 cases). Not including the waste disposal applications, noise protest cases were top on the list, totaling 469 cases. It was 34.46% of the total protest cases. Next in line is air pollution, including stationary pollution source protest cases, open burning and odor emissions etc., totaling 370 cases. Among them, odor protest cases were the highest, totaling 167 cases. It was 45.14% of the air pollution protest cases, and 12.27% of the total protest cases. And, open burning protest cases were 7.64% of total protest cases. Most of them were nearby neighbors protest against open burning of rice straw by farmers. This year, for open burning, there had been issued 4 fine notifications. Total fine is NT$ 115,000. The work items of this program include general inspection operation, resident protest case audit and inspection operation, and establishing computer files for audit and inspection results. At the present time, other than reports to be submitted regularly, the required work items are all completed.
英文關鍵字 Air pollution,protest