

中文摘要 環境問題的地理空間有其地方性與跨地域性的特點,其空間範圍不一定受現有的行政轄區所界定,故若要對污染者產生嚇阻,並達到環境改善的目的,唯有透過當地人士對污染問題長期觀察,進而串聯各地域關切此問題的人士,化關心為行動力,改造方能達成。景美溪沿岸之民眾對河川水環境保護的觀念不足,使得流域內每個人都成為附加河川負荷的加害者,亦是水體環境破壞後的受害者。而要使景美溪水質或的明顯之改善,除對事業點源污染需有效控制外,在工程面上,必須加速污水處理廠興建及污水幹管舖設;在軟體面上,必須提昇民眾對河川環境之關切。要流域內各權益關係人願意開誠佈公來討論提昇景美溪水質的策略,並堅守承諾據以執行,則需先醞釀、激發出一股向上提昇的民意。本計畫的任務為:設計一個鼓勵民眾參與河川巡守;檢討民眾污染陳情機制;促進污染舉報達成污染削減工作。計畫中並將志工水質監測制度設計於內,最主要就是要透過水質監測的責任賦予,將冷漠的民眾帶到河川旁,去發掘河川的問題及進而思考解決問題的方法。本計畫共組成六隊志工巡守隊共131名,分河段不定時進行巡守,河川志工巡守所分配之區域以自家或工作場所附近為主,俾利平時就能就近監測,且對於河川之改變也較敏感,以致可較易發現污染者,於違法污染排放時即時舉報,達到有效嚇阻之作用。除此之外,並舉辦景美溪濕地生態教學研習營,鼓勵及提倡河川附近各級學校教師將水環境監測工作,納入環境相關課程或社團活動中,帶領學生實地記錄河川污染情形、採樣及檢測,潛移默化學生環保的觀念,以此落實環保教育。
中文關鍵字 環境保護,志工,環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 093 計畫經費 590000 千元
專案開始日期 2004/08/27 專案結束日期 2004/12/31 專案主持人 徐貴新
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 臺北市政府環境保護局


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000103422.pdf 6MB [期末報告]

The Protection of River by volunteer and Accuse Project(2004)

英文摘要 One of the characteristic of environmental problem is its cross-district impact. Building awareness among the general public about the environmental situation and trends in their own backyard is an important way to help the government control pollution and improve the environment. Generally, the major water pollution sources can be categorized as domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, wastewater from pig-raising farms, and other pollution sources such as non-point sources of pollution. In order to protect the living quality in the areas along the Jing-Mei River of Taipei city and to preserve the water quality in the Jing-Mei River, in addition to speed up the upgrade of sewerage system, to enhance people’s attention to the living environment is also an efficient way. The idea of community participation is through promoting a spirit of everybody act and integrating environmental protection into everyday life. To achieve this, this project has a bottom-up approach; by encouraging community participate environmental protection activities. On the other hand, environmental agencies at all levels of government are supporting these efforts through providing needed resources and technical assistance. As a result, communities are creating healthy, safe, and comfortable living environments. Communities are also maintaining unique characteristics while pursuing a self-established and self-reliant path to sustainable development.
英文關鍵字 Environmental protection,volunteer,Environmental education