

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署於93 年7 月1 日開始施行營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法,營建工程之污染管制正式邁入制度化。本年度計畫完成5,680 處次工地巡查及2,817 處次之工地管理辦法查核作業,經由密集之巡查管制,營建工程粒狀物現況排放量1,754 公噸,粒狀物削減量1,719 公噸,削減率為49.50%,排放量較92 年明顯降低約40%,削減率則提升約9%。計畫舉辦六場次追蹤改善檢討會,邀請121 處未能符合管理辦法之營建工程業者與會,全面針對工程缺失部分進行追蹤改善,與會工程粒狀物之平均削減率由會前之52.56%提升至會後之68.27%。目前本市第一級工地管理辦法符合率約為66.16%、第二級符合率約為55.66%,工地各項污染防制措施之採行比例為歷年的新高,尤其廢土與建材堆置部分,未採行相關措施之比例較歷年大幅降低10~40%。計畫共推動75 處工地參與道路認養,累積認養長度29.38 公里,累積洗掃里程數為17,169.5 公里,約可削減237 公噸之TSP。計畫進行30 點次之實場塗裝揮發性有機物量測,推估建築塗料VOCs 排放係數:水性塗料為0.100kg/L,油性塗料為0.501 kg/L。進行100 處營建塗裝塗料使用情形調查,推估營建工程塗裝單位面積平均塗料用量:水性漆每m2 面積使用量為0.197 L/ m2、油性漆為0.138 L/ m2。估算臺北市建築塗裝揮發性有機物排放量為215.7 公噸/年。本年度進行七處工程20 點次施工機具之油品抽測作業,其中2 處工地所使用之柴油油品含硫量有超過「車用柴油成分及性能管制標準」中柴油成分標準規定硫含量0.035wt%之情形,已要求業者進行改善,計畫後續亦已著手輔導業者採用合法之油品,以降低施工機具運轉過程中造成之空氣污染情形。空污費勾稽部分共完成1,524 件決標工程首期空污費之勾稽作業,扣除免徵收案件,已有1,047 件工程完成首期空污費之申報,決標工程首期空污費之申報比率達86.46%。計畫編印營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法宣導摺頁8,000 份,加強對業主及承包商之宣導。並主動出擊,研擬及發行六期營建工程環保電子報,將營建工程之最新管制法令、政策及相關宣導活動以電子郵件寄發予各營建業主及承包商,加強宣導成效。
中文關鍵字 營建工地,污染管制,資料庫,揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 093 計畫經費 7841.61 千元
專案開始日期 2004/04/28 專案結束日期 2005/02/28 專案主持人 曾厚元
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 臺北市政府環境保護局


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000103791.pdf 14MB [期末報告]

Air pollution control plan of construction site in Taipei City(2004)

英文摘要 Air pollution controls to construction site that become institutionalized when the Environmental Protection Administration R.C.C inured the “Construction Site Air Pollution Control Facility Management Regulations” on 01/07/2004. The project of 2003 had accomplished 5680 on-site environmental inspections, and 2817 “Construction Site Air Pollution Control Facility Management Regulations” inspections. Calculated Taipei city’s particles emission from construction site according to the construction site management database system, there were 1754 tons particles released into air in 2004, and the particles decrement were 49.50%. The particles emission in 2004 were decreased about 40%, compare to 2003. There have 6 pollution pursuance improvement conferences been proceeded, which included 121 builders been invited. The achievements of the conferences have increased the percentage of particles decrement from 52.56% to 68.27%. The acceptable ratio of “Construction Site Air Pollution Control Facility Management Regulations” hitherto is 66.16% in first-degree sites, and 55.66% in secondary-degree sites. The percentage that the builders install air pollution control facilities in Taipei city achieves the most in 2004, especially in banking. 75 construction sites have been adopted road-care program from April, 2004 to February, 2005; the entire length of roads were adopted amounted to 29.38 kilometers with 17169.5 kilometers been clean-up, and could reduce 237 tons Total Suspend Particle. Accomplished 30 in-site experiments to estimate volatile organic compounds emission rate: from water-based coating was 0.100 kg/L, from solvent-based coating was 0.501 kg/L. Accomplished 100 questionnaire responses to estimate the usage of coating: from water-based coating was 0.197 L/m2, from solvent-based coating was 0.138 L/m2. Calculated Taipei city’s volatile organic compounds emission from construction coating, there were 215.7 tons volatile organic compounds released into air in 2004.
英文關鍵字 construction site,Pollution control,Database,VOC