

中文摘要 93年度營建空污費資料庫中列管之營建工程共計6,015件,年度申報開工件數共計2453件,徵收金額59,022,244元;實收件數(含92年度開立件數與完工結算)共計3,553件,實收金額58,008,385元。空污費結算退費部分,因施工面積減少提出申請及因施工工期縮短提出申請者共計192件結算退費案件,核算退費金額共計327,947元。空污費減免退費部分,本年度至六月底前僅有5處工地提出申請,合計減免849,118元。 93年度共完成5,097處次營建工地巡(稽)查,經由巡查作業,發現高雄市工地污染管制措施以實施管理措施及灑水噴霧為主、其中以道路工程的設置比例最高,並藉工地巡查清查出59處工地程序違建,追徵補繳金額達699,237元。 本年度完成了75場次TSP檢測及56場次落塵筒檢測,完成檢測之工地包括建築RC工程67處、建築SRC工程3處、道路工程3處、區域開發工程1處、其他工程1處。由檢測結果發現,目前已有三處工地TSP檢測數據超過周界法規濃度標準值,並建議予以告發處分。 排放量推估方法主要係採用環保署委託章教授針對本土特性所發展的工地排放係數及不同污染防制措施之去除效率加以權重之後,推估本市各列管工地施工期間每月TSP排放量與削減量,推估93年全年度TSP累積排放量約2,491公噸,因設置防制措施削減之量約1,030公噸,減量比例約42%,另統計本計畫執行期間93年5~12月結果顯示TSP累積排放量約1,450公噸,因設置防制措施削減之量約731公噸,減量比例約50%,顯示因稽巡查及輔導工地設置污染防制措施的效益已逐漸顯現。 本工作小組於93年10月27、28、29三日舉辦十二家工地之現場評鑑活動,挑選出其中較優良之四處加以獎勵表揚,並於11月1日完成『九十三年度優良營建工地頒獎活動』一場次,藉由此一方式增進業者執行污染防制的意願,以減低本市營建工地之污染情形。另於12月8日,邀請行政院環境保護署、高雄縣政府環保局、屏東縣環保局、營建業主及承包商,舉辦一場本市營建工地觀摩活動,藉此觀摩活動加強管制經驗及技術交流,並學習各營建工程在污染防制措施設置上之長處。 自93年1月1日起至93年12月31日止,平均每月均有60餘處以上工地執行回報道路認養作業,累計洗掃總長度達17,780 公里,成效顯著。除可降低車行揚塵的排放之外,對於改善淨化市容及敦親睦鄰均具有相當助益。本計畫於93年度進行輔導協調後,已完成改善之裸露地有前鎮區廣西路近民權路之空地、左營區自由二路六巷87號對面等共計7.24公頃,露天燃燒部份計畫執行共計發現93處次露天燃燒行為。其中84處次經現場制止或通報消防單位均現場立即撲滅,9處次為已燃盡,總計削減污染物TSP 0.131公噸PM100.087公噸 CO 0.247公噸NMHC 0.136公噸。
中文關鍵字 減免查核,污染防制費徵收


專案計畫編號 09305060001 經費年度 093 計畫經費 31500 千元
專案開始日期 2004/05/06 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 黃昭斌
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 高雄市環保局


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000106179.pdf 0MB 公開版

2004 and 2005 impose establish construction air pollution Preventing expenses and reduces checking and inspection control project.

英文摘要 In 2004, totally 2453 construction sits started and NTD$ 58 million was imposed on air pollution preventive of construction sites. To simplify the procedure of construction application, one specific window had been created and averagely 5 minutes taken in general now. In order to monitor the actual air pollution control situation of construction sites, auditors of EPB implemented 5,097 times, including 759 times on holidays within 2004. Furthermore, the government public construction sites were the focus of assessment as KRTC and THSR. Each nonconformance was requested to improve at the same time, or informed against on evidence, once auditors found the nonconformance occurred at construction sites. There were 75 construction sites to measure TSP, including 67 RC construction sites, 3 SRC constructions, 3 road constructions, 1 area developing and 1 for the others. And 56 dust-tanks were taken measurement too. There was about 1,030 tons reduction of construction TSP emission, and it was about 42% reduction within 2004, which estimated the total TSP emission of construction site was about 2,491 tons. There were 12 constructions sites adopted assessment and EPB had awarded the top 4 constructions in 2004. Afterward, all the subcontractors and owners of construction sites were invited to attend the simulation presentation, to learn the advantages of pollution preventive methods. There were 694 construction sites to implement street cleaning in 2004, equal to 17780 km road length accumulated. The advantages of street cleaning are able to reduce the wine-borne dust, also to purify the appearance of the city and improve good-neighborliness earnestly. Had 4 declarations, which two for law explanation, one for lighting pollution construction method, and another one for forbidden open-air burning, been held to declare and explain how to implement pollution control in 2004. Also encourage the pollution control by way of experience or technician sharing with relation parties.
英文關鍵字 reduces checking,pollution Preventing expenses