

中文摘要 高雄市政府環境保護局為加強執行本市轄區固定污染源之巡邏稽查以及非上班時段空氣污染陳情案件處理,並強化公害檢舉案件之處理效率,協助辦理污染源稽查管理相關作業,加強疑難案件的處理,提昇為民服務的績效,重點巡查經常露天燃燒區域、餐飲業排放油煙臭味及噴漆作業,有效遏止空氣污染行為,配合執行高屏地區空氣品質改善維護相關工作,協助落實空氣污染減量,特透過公開徵選方式,由合格的工程顧問公司執行本計畫。 本年度陳情案件處理效率,已由去年0.90天,提昇為0.88天,輔導4家污染源完成空氣污染改善,民眾滿意度調查當顯示滿意及尚可者有近79.6%,表示有八成的陳情人肯定環保局為民服務的績效。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源,稽查


專案計畫編號 09307220001 經費年度 093 計畫經費 8650 千元
專案開始日期 2004/07/22 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 羅敬忠
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 高雄市環保局


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000106428.DOC 0MB 公開版

2004 and 2005 stable pollution source checking project.

英文摘要 The Department of Environmental Protection of Kaohsiung City Government publicly levies the qualified consultative companies to carry out the project. The main goal is to deal with the cases of air pollution during the unworking hours. Besides, the efficiency and effectiveness are also the main targets of the Department of Environmental Protection of Kaohsiung City Government to service our Kaohsiung citizens. The most significant part of our work is to check out the area of usually burning something publicly, the cafeterias and restaurants which emit bad and oil smoke and the smells of spraying paint. We carry out these kinds of air pollutions and cooperate with the area of Kaohsiung and Ping Dong to improve and maintain our quality of air. According to our survey, the efficiency of handling the cases in this year has improved greatly. Last year, the average day of each case we needed was about 0.9 days. We just spent about 0.88 day on dealing with a case this year. Meanwhile, we also assisted and guided four companies which caused air pollution to improve the situation. No matter how the situations were bad, we always try our best to better the situations. We hope give all of our citizens a clean and tidy city. It’s our responsibility to build an unpolluted city. The latest survey of residents’ satisfactory about our achievement shows that about 79.6% of residents who call us to state the air pollutions give our efforts a positive affirmation.
英文關鍵字 stable pollution source,checking