

中文摘要 桃園縣在九十三年度針對空氣污染防制執行多項管制工作,由於各項計畫的性質不同且皆具獨立性,因此僅能在縱向聯繫上發揮功效,並無法在橫向聯繫上取得溝通協調,對於各計畫的執行成果無法有效整合。有鑑於此,必須透過空氣污染綜合防制計畫(本計畫)建立空污基金子計畫管考標準作業程序書,協助環保局督促及控管各項管制工作之執行進度及品質,並藉由召開各項會議(協調會、工作檢討會、現場查核等),達成管制計畫之縱向及橫向聯繫,追蹤協調各計畫執行成效與互動關係,控管各計畫之執行進度與執行品質,檢討修正各計畫之執行方法,並訂定各計畫減量目標與檢討達成情形,以提升各計畫之減量成效並具體整合各計畫之工作成果,縱歸93年度各項污染物之減量均達成預定減量目標。 此外,隨著多年管制工作之執行及產業發展變動與相關法規之增修,導致管制策略必須定期修正檢討,因此須透過空品分析及本縣排放量之查核更新,規劃本縣空品目標與管制策略,其中在粒狀污染物方面,車行揚塵、運輸車輛及土木施工為主要來源,硫氧化物則以工業為主,氮氧化物以運輸車輛及工業為主,非甲烷碳氫化合物以工業溶劑使用及表面塗裝為主。另在空品分析方面,臭氧及懸浮微粒為本縣之主要污染物,且近兩年有上升之趨勢,應為未來管制上之重點,由於臭氧屬大區域傳輸之污染物,透過空氣品質模式模擬分析發現(2000年5月案例),本縣臭氧受台北縣污染源影響最大(40%以上),而受本身桃園縣污染源之影響約為9%~25%,另VOCS貢獻濃度又較NOX貢獻濃度為高。顯示若要有效降低臭氧濃度值,現階段除加強本縣VOCS之排放管制外,亦須持續透過北部空品區跨縣市合作會議之召開,加強鄰近縣市之共同稽查管制,方有明顯成效。 經由上述之分析,本計畫亦配合環保署規定完成94年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫書之撰寫及提報作業,並訂定近程之空品改善目標及污染物減量目標,另外亦考慮本縣地方污染源特定訂定特定污染源改善目標(餐飲業油煙改善、焚化爐戴奧辛減量、全縣落塵量目標)及為民服務績效目標(惡臭陳情案件改善)。 基於上述目標之訂定,整個管制策略之評估主要就現行環保署、削減量、所需經費及技術可行性評估,並區分為固定污染源管制、移動污染源管制及逸散污染源管制三個方向,期許在環保局現有經費,藉由相關管制計畫之推動,達成最佳有效之管理效率及污染物減量與空氣品質改善之目標。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制,計畫控管,空氣品質,管制策略與目標


專案計畫編號 EPA-tyepb-930702039 經費年度 093 計畫經費 2900 千元
專案開始日期 2004/07/27 專案結束日期 2005/07/26 專案主持人 曾厚元
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000116353.pdf 12MB [期末報告]

Integrated Control of Air Pollutant in Taoyuan,2004—Final Term Report

英文摘要 In Taoyuan many control work sought in air pollution prevention for 2004, the nature of the subprojects and that many are independent from each other has hindered the effects to be achieved in vertical coordination. There is a necessity to instill the integrated control of air pollutant to assist the EPB in spearheading and monitoring the progress and quality of various control world, and to define tangible bulk reduction, as well as to review the state of achievements that would help to enhance the waste reduction yield of a host of subprojects, and to achieve the implementation yield of all subprojects. Traffic permeating dust, transportation vehicles, industry and civil construction are the main source of pollutions in Taoyuan. O3 and particles are identified as the main pollutants, which are on the rise in the recent two years. By a May 2000 case air quality model simulation analysis found the county’s O3 readings are most susceptible to the pollution source found in Taipei (exceeding 40%), while the impact of the pollution source in Taoyuan alone was recorded at around 9% to 25%. The contribution of VOCs concentration was found higher than that of NOX. In order to effectively curtail the O3 concentration, it not only calls for stepping up the county’s VOCs control in the current stage, but there is also a necessary to stage plenary cross-county collaboration meetings by stepping up the joint audit and control in nearby counties. Therefore, the project has also had an integrated 2005 air pollution prevention plan compiled and submitted in support of stipulations promulgated by the EPA. The assessment of the overall control strategy rests on evaluating the required funding and technical feasibility in compliance with the existing bulk reduction stipulations set by the EPA, and on distinguishing the work into three major segments of fixed pollution source control, mobile pollution source control and permeating source control.
英文關鍵字 air pollution control,project monitoring,air quality,control strategy and objectives