

中文摘要 在受油品污染土壤及地下水場址中,燃料油具有含碳數高且不易衰減及揮發之特性。因此,燃料油污染之土壤及地下水之整治,困難度高於受汽油及柴油污染之地下環境,不易使用單一整治技術達到預期目標。故本計畫以較新穎的整合型復育技術或是整治列車(treatment train)之概念作為設計燃料油污染土壤及地下水之整治方向。本計畫所提出之整合型復育技術依整治期程可分三階段之整治工作。第一階段以界面活性劑之沖排(surfactant flushing)為主,當處理效率降低後,即進行第二階段之類Fenton(Fenton-like)氧化反應,以氧化殘留於土壤顆粒中之碳氫化合物。第三階段之整治工作為現地自然生物分解或自然衰減(natural attenuation)。在本計畫中,我們以批次試驗評估界面活性劑沖排及Fenton-like反應最佳之操作參數。實驗結果發現,當界面活性劑(SIMPLE GREEN, 本計畫簡稱SG)配製成5 wt% (型態為Type III)時,其對土壤中總石油碳氫化合物(Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon ,TPH) (初使濃度為10,000 and 50,000 mg/kg)之移除可達到預期之60%之去除率。燃料油污染土經界面活性劑沖排後,由掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察可發現SG與燃料油之乳化產物有阻塞土壤孔隙之現象,而此阻塞現象可由水之沖排及後續之Fenton-like氧化而改善。在Fenton-like批次試驗中,H2O2為系統中氧化力的來源,在與鐵氧礦物反應後會被分解並形成對有機物具有強氧化效果的氫氧自由基。研究結果顯示,H2O2濃度愈高,TPH之去除效果愈佳。當H2O2及鐵氧礦物(總鐵)濃度為6%及17.6 mg/kg時,TPH由初始之5,000 mg/kg降至1,544 mg/kg。 在土壤管柱試驗中,我們發現第一階段水及界面活性劑之沖排可達到70%至90%之TPH去除率;而第二階段之Fenton-like氧化最高仍可再去除17%之TPH,殘留之TPH將可由第三階段之自然生物降解或自然衰減之機制去除,使燃料油污染之介質達到完全整治之目標。不論是批次或土壤管柱試驗,經兩階段物化處理後,TPH濃度最多可由50,000 mg/kg降至991 mg/kg,其可由第三階段之自然衰減機制達到持續降解之目標。綜合上述結果可知,界面活性劑沖排系列接續Fenton-like氧化技術所形成之整治列車,其TPH可達到90%以上之去除效率,使污染濃度降低到現地微生物可有效降解之範圍(TPH<5,000 mg/kg)。針對受重油污染之土壤與地下水所建立之整合型復育技術的設計研發,不僅是一條可行的方向,亦是普遍受到業界認同。因此,未來在市場上應有相當不錯之佔有率。此外,就其設計理論推斷,此技術對整體環境之負面影響應是相當低,故此技術在市場上應有相當程度之競爭力。
中文關鍵字 整合型復育技術、燃料油、土壤污染、地下水污染


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-U1U1-04-010 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2005/03/04 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 高志明
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 執行單位 國立中山大學育成中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 報告書.pdf 5MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Treatment of Fuel Oil Contaminated Soils and Groundwater by Integrated Remediation Technology

英文摘要 The objective of this study is to assess the potential of combining three different treatment processes to clean up fuel oil contaminated sites. In this study, a concept of “treatment train” has been proposed. The first remedial phase applies surfactant flushing to remove the major amount of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soils. Thus, more than 50 to 60% of the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) can be reduced in soils.The second phase is the chemical oxidation process applying Fenton-like technique. Approximately 20 to 30% of the remaining TPH could be reduced after the oxidation process. The residual 10 to 20% of the TPH would be appropriate for the third natural bioremediation or natural attenuation process. Results from the bench-scale study indicate that 5 wt% of the applied surfactant (Simple Green) is able to remove 60% of the initial TPH (10,000 and 50,000 mg/kg). Results from the Fenton-like study also reveal that approximately 60% of the initial TPH (5,000 mg/kg) can be reduced via the oxidation process.Results from the column experiment indicate that approximately 70 to 90% of TPH could be removed after the water and surfactant flushing. The Fenton-like oxidation is able to remove 17% of the remaining TPH. Thus, more than 90% of initial TPH could be removed using the three-stage treatment scheme. Results of this study will aid in designing a system for field application.The proposed treatment scheme would be expected to provide a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to remediate fuel-oil contaminated sites.This developed remedial scheme can also be applied for other non-aqueous phase liquid contaminated sites.Because the developed integrated remediation system is able to remediate the fuel-oil contaminated soil and groundwater effectively, this system would be accepted as a sound technology in the remediation market. Moreover, this system would not cause any adverse impact on the subsurface environment, and thus, it would be a more environmentally friendly technology compared to other technologies currently in use.
英文關鍵字 Integrated Remediation Technology,Fuel oil,Soil contaminated,Groundwater contaminated