

中文摘要 目前國內有一些地下水污染場址,其污染源未知或不明確,且對於找出污染者或污染源的方法,目前尚未有一套完整且詳盡的調查方法。本計畫利用三個多變量統計方法,包括主成分分析、區別分析、及群聚分析,針對環境檢驗所提供的檢測數據,進而評估其應用於污染案件產源追蹤之可行性。本報告係依據工作合約,於完成成果後,提送期末報告,計畫執行成果包括: 1. 蒐集並分析國內外相關文獻資料 2. 使用主成分分析、區別分析、群聚分析法及其他統計方法,利用環檢所提供之污染場址資料,評估其應用在污染特性分類及污染源鑑別之可行性,並加以比較各統計方法的優缺點 3. 提出上述統計方法評析時所需之因子,如檢測項目、數量、檢測數據之準確度及精密度,並提出數據前處理之原則 4. 選取國內三種地下水污染的案例資料,說明與比較上述統計方法在地下水污染調查之助益,以及可能帶來之偏差 5. 根據上述案例研究的結果,提供利用環境統計工具進行分析時,所需要之監測項目及適用條件 6. 舉行教育訓練及技術轉移課程
中文關鍵字 多變量統計分析,地下水污染,污染源鑑別


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-1401-02-02 經費年度 094 計畫經費 800000 千元
專案開始日期 2005/02/18 專案結束日期 2005/12/29 專案主持人 葉弘德
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 執行單位 國立交通大學環境工程研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 00001259251.pdf 3MB [期末報告]

The identification of contaminant source using statistical techniques

英文摘要 There are many groundwater pollution events were reported and investigated in Taiwan within recent ten years. Yet, a serious problem involved in some of those pollution events is that the sources of pollution were not cleary identified. The purpose of this project is to analyze those groundwater sampling and analyzed data using multivariate statistical analysis, including principal components analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis and to explore the possible pollution sources and to assess the feasibility of these methods in goundwater source identification. The achievements of this project include: 1. To review the related literatures. 2. To assess the feasibility of principal components analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis for exploring the possible pollution sources, and compare the results of these methods. 3. To provide the necessary information including the items, the quantity, the accuracy and the precision for detection data required in those statistical analyses, and to provide a guideline for the preprocess of the data. 4. To explain their strengths and the liminations of those statistical methods in analyzing three groundwater pollution cases happened in Taiwan. 5. To provide the necessary sampling items for the pollution source identification and the conditions for the use of these statistical methods. 6. To give trainning courses and provide related data and documentation regading those statistical analyses in case studies.
英文關鍵字 contaminant source identification,multivariate statistical analysis,groundwater contamination