

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作項目包括推動一般廢棄物之「清運系統民營化」、「清除處理費隨袋徵收工作」、「清理跨區域合作」及「協助規劃我國廢棄物清除處理體系」等四部份,茲將執行成果摘要說明如下:(一)、推動一般廢棄物清運系統民營化:本計畫完成307個鄉鎮市之一般廢棄物清運基本資料及委託民間清運意願調查之問卷統計,並蒐集分析我國及各國垃圾清除處理狀況及清運民營化相關資料,同時研擬「垃圾清運民營化推動計畫(草案)」及相關範本與規範。(二)、推動一般廢棄物清除處理費隨袋徵收工作:本計畫針對國內外一般廢棄物清除處理費之徵收方式及問題進行檢討,並研擬推動隨量徵收標準作業程式、宣導計畫、補助方式、查核評鑑要點、實施計畫及政策說帖等文件及範本。(三)、推動一般廢棄物清理跨區域合作:本計畫針對目前各縣市執行垃圾焚化處理跨區合作之現況、遭遇問題及獎勵補助原則等進行檢討,並訂定採不同條件級距計算跨區合作獎勵補助金之方案及獎勵補助要點修正建議供環保署酌參。此外,本計畫亦完成垃圾清理區域合作之查核評鑑實施要點、合作計畫書、合作協議書(行政契約書)及政策說帖等文件及範本。(四)、協助規劃我國廢棄物清除處理體系:本計畫依據行政院核定「垃圾處理方案之檢討與展望」所訂目標,針對未設置焚化廠或焚化處理餘裕量不足之縣市,初步完成偏遠地區不進掩埋場之規劃方案(含跨區調度),並就我國未來一般廢棄物處理設施之需求進行研析。
中文關鍵字 一般廢棄物,清除處理,零廢棄


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-H101-02-214 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2005/02/25 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 洪立群
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000131248.pdf 55MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Planning and Promotion for the First Year of the General Waste Clearance and Treatment System Project

英文摘要 The purpose of this project was to perform the following 4 major tasks for the General Waste Clearance and Treatment Project.And its results are outlined as below:1.The draft of “The Privately Operated Waste Clearance and Conveying Promotion Plan” and relevant examples and regulations.2.The documents and exemplars of the standard procedures, the dissemination plan, the subsidy methods, the key points of examination and determination, the execution plan and policy description were prepared based on the study of the domestic and foreign methods and issues for collecting fees. 3.The methods for encouraging and subsidizing the inter regions cooperation on waste clearance and treatment and the amendment to the subsidy method were prepared for the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in accordance with the study of the current status, the encounter issues, and the encourage and subsidy principles in the counties and cities for the inter regions cooperation. 4.In accordance with the aim of “The Prospect for and Investigation of Waste Treatment Methods” which was approved by the Executive Yuan, the following assignments were accomplished.(1).The compilation of the preliminary plan (including the inter regions dispatch) for waste clearance and treatment without landfills for remote regions with no incineration plants or incineration plants with insufficient capacity.(2).The study of the future requirements of general waste treatment facilities.
英文關鍵字 general wastes, clearance and disposal, zero waste