

中文摘要 我國河川主要污染來源,生活污水所佔的污染量比例已漸提高。目前當務之急除了加速興建公共污水下水道收集生活污水處理,亦可從推廣源頭減量及提昇管末處理,雙管齊下提昇生活污染之削減。目前全國受列管的100戶以上社區專用污水下水道約2500家,其普及率10%已與公共污水下水道普及率13%不相上下,故重要性亦不言而喻。 然而,民眾不關心污水流向、不知從何處著手、不知源頭減量有什麼好處,均是推廣生活污染減量工作的困難;而社區管理人對自身污水處理設施的陌生、對相關法規認知的不足,甚至對操作維護費用未編列足夠的預算,也是造成社區污水處理設施常常備而不用的情況。因此,本計畫首先錄製一式3000片生活污水處理設施操作維護技術教學及污染減量措施宣導影帶,作為未來推廣工作之有效工具。 再者,篩選三處有輔導意願之300戶以上社區作為示範社區,輔導住戶執行污染減量措施及正確操作管理污水處理設施,污染量削減優良者,加以表揚與獎勵,再將其模式與效益作為明年度各縣市持續推廣之參考。在管理制度上,有鑑於社區污水處理設施多有委託專業廠商執行代操作,然而代操作業素質良萎不齊,一般人無法得知其好壞;目前法規對代操作業之操作能力尚未制定明確的規定,故實有迫切需要研擬代操作業資格與管理辦法。最後,辦理二場研商會,邀請環保機關與代操作廠商等單位參加,除分享本計畫輔導心得外,針對國內未來生活污水管制策略與方向(包括代操作業相關管理與資格等議題)進行多方討論,廣徵各方意見,以作為未來修法及執法之參考。
中文關鍵字 生活污水,社區專用污水下水道系統,源頭減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-G105-02-208 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2800 千元
專案開始日期 2005/02/04 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 李錦地
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 台灣環境管理協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000137763.pdf 21MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Estimation and Counseling Project of Pollution Reduction of Domestic Sewage.

英文摘要 Domestic sewage has become one of the major sources of river pollution in Taiwan. The most effective way to resolve the household wastewater problem is to speed up the construction of public sewage systems. Moreover, advocating the concept of source reduction for the public and improving the treatment efficiency of end-of-pipe systems are particularly advantageous to mitigate the current pollution by domestic sewage. The general subscription ratio to community sewage systems, 10%, is comparable to that to public sewage systems, 13%. Therefore the importance of community sewage systems should not be overlooked. Generally, the members of community committee are strange to their own treatment facilities and to related laws. Additionally, the mal-operation and insufficient maintenance budget prevent the sewage systems from wielding their maximum function. To resolve the problems, this project would first shoot a video, teaching the public how to correctly operate community sewage systems as well as how to implement pollution control measures in our daily lives. It is planned to distribute 3000 copies, in a wish to effectively promote this project. Secondly, three communities, where the household number exceeds 300, would be chosen for demonstration. Then the main task of this project is to coach the residents how to take various measures of source reduction as well as how to correctly management their own treatment facilities. One of the three communities, which demonstrates the best result, would be rewarded and promoted as the role model around Taiwan. Because the quality of wastewater operating companies is critical to the treatment efficiency, it is necessary to create the specific rules and qualifications for these companies to meet. Finally, two seminars would be held. Environmental authorities and wastewater operating companies invited would share their idea about this counseling project and discuss future policy and management direction for domestic sewage. Therefore, the future law revision and enforcement will be supported by diverse opinions.
英文關鍵字 domestic sewage, community sewage systems, source reduction