

中文摘要 本計畫配合多次(93年度與94年度中秋節、94年度春節)指定產品包裝調查分析作業,評估先前研擬管制措施之可行性,並彙整調查分析結果與相關公聽會反映意見,檢討限制產品過度包裝管制措施內容與相關標準,據以正式公告政策內容。此外,本計畫依據公告政策內容,協助研擬相關配套措施並開發稽查作業執行平台,協助訓練地方執行機關稽查人員,為未來政策正式實施做準備。 由180件指定產品包裝調查分析結果顯示,完全移轉國外相關制度管制標準並不盡然完全適用於國內產品包裝特性。以93年中秋節調查分析作業得知,產品個包裝為影響包裝空間比例值計算之重要關鍵,尤其糕餅類產品個包裝情形繁複,移轉自國外(韓國)之計算方法無法兼顧產品包裝安全與公平管制需求,以至產生空間比例為負值情形等,皆無法符合一般民眾觀感,因此確有檢討改良產品體積測量與計算方式必要。改良後包裝空間比例後之包裝體積比值,能提供包括(1).易於一般民眾判定,簡化管制標準;(2).連結包裝材質,鼓勵使用單一材質包裝材料;(3).避免量測計算後判定紛爭與(4).滿足國內產業需求,保障國內產業利益等功能,且係屬我國獨創,深具永續發展意義。 配合政策推動需求,本計畫提供包括稽查作業草案、個案審查作業要點、檢驗機構收費標準、設計執行手冊與折頁與架設政策網站等,並藉由召開21場次政策說明會、3場次訓練會議、辦理市售產品包裝調查結果宣導記者會與綠色包裝評選(59件產品參選)及表揚活動等,宣導政策推動內容。 然未來工作推動仍需強化政策說明與執行平台功能、持續了解管制指定產品包裝情形,並建立系統性績效評估機制,以評估檢討政策實施後執行成效。
中文關鍵字 過度包裝、禮盒、限制、包裝體積比值、包裝層數、包裝材質


專案計畫編號 EPA-93-H101-02-233 經費年度 093 計畫經費 4000 千元
專案開始日期 2004/08/16 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 于寧
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000138866.pdf 23MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Excessive Packaging Restriction Promotion Project

英文摘要 The availability of previous enforcement draft is evaluated in accordance with the analysis results of packaging of designated products that were sampled at three holiday’s durations (Y2004 and Y2003 Moon Festival and Y2004 Chinese New Year). The regulated item and criteria were then reviewed by several public hearing meetings and relative recommendations were adapted to propose the final enforcement. The analysis results of local 180 designated products packaging demonstrated the incompatibility of packaging measurement and criteria of similar scheme, the characteristics of individual packaging and its measurement plays the key rules in packaging space ratio calculation. The packaging space ratio of local pastry product even shows negative value, on the basis of previous enforcement draft (revised from Korean scheme). Thus, further revision for both packaging measurement and regulated item is required. The packaging volume ratio is proposed. The advantages include (1).simplified measurement and calculation method, (2).linkage with packaging material which encourages single packaging material, (3).avoid possible measurement disputes and (4).satisfy local product packaging needs and protect nation industry’s interest. The creative management design offers an important practice example in further source reduction policy reference. To assist the implementation, the audit procedure, application procedure of exempted product permit, charge evaluation of product packaging test and implementation guideline are drafted. The draft was evaluated through 21 policy promotion meetings and 3 implementation agency training courses. Moreover, several press meetings for product packaging analysis results announcements and green design product award were hold to promote the enforcement. Necessary preparation works like enforcement content promotion, strengthen platform function, product packaging analysis and criteria for performance evaluation is recommended.
英文關鍵字 excessive packaging, gift box, restriction, packaging volume ratio , packaging layer , packaging material