

中文摘要 本計畫完成查核前50大揮發性有機物排放之公私場所,彙整原物料使用量、產品量、燃料使用量資料及污染物種類確認,同時訂定餐飲業稽巡查標準作業程序,及建立各項作業表單,建立205家中大型餐飲業者基本管制資料建檔管制,並針對5廠表面塗裝製程氣罩集氣效率評估,多數因處理設備未定期維護、風管未時常清洗除垢、風車未定期檢查葉片及馬達效率而影響集氣效率。 依據防制設備種類及效率等資料推估排放量,其中石化業VOCs排放量為238.538公噸,加油站VOCs年排放量為193.33公噸,餐飲業TSP年排放量約為203公噸,PM10年排放量約為195公噸,THC年排放量約為68公噸,NMHC年排放量約為38公噸。 並對石化製程及汽車表面塗裝製程之行業別法規符合度之查核,同時掌握前20大公私場所揮發性有機物之124.414公噸/年減量空間。 108站裝設油槍油氣回收設備加油站油槍油氣回收效率測試,整體合格率為97.6﹪,並針對其中40站進行氣漏檢測,合格率為50﹪,針對查核及功能檢測結果提出加油站污染源防制管理之標準作業程序。 2040個製程設備元件檢測皆低於1000ppm,均未超過法規洩漏定義值,針對樹脂廠及表面塗裝製程5枝排放管道檢測處理效率介於96.7%~99.7%,均符合排放標準要求。 10家公私場所輔導減量改善成效追蹤,廠方均能依建議及承諾進行污染改善或做適當修正讓污染減至最小。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物,油槍油氣回收,製程設備元件


專案計畫編號 EPA-940126-1 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2922 千元
專案開始日期 2005/03/01 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 徐哲敏
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 松暉工程顧問有限公司


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期末報告 pdv94f.pdf 10MB 公開版

VOCs and Restaurant emissions control plan

英文摘要 The largest number of VOC emission sources, 50, were checked in this year. This included the number of feedstock, products, fuels and pollutants. This project established a pollutant check list SOP for restaurants and set up a database of 205 restaurants. Five surface coating factories were selected for hood suction efficiency assessments. We found that without pipe cleansing maintenance hood suction efficiency decreased. According to the emission database 238.538 MT VOCs came from petrochemicals and 193.33 MT VOCs came from petrol stations. Restaurant emissions were 203MT TSP, 195MT PM10, 68MT THC and 378MT NMHC. It was found that 124.414MT VOCs were reduced from the largest 20 VOC emission sources. This project tested A/L of 108 petrol stations and obtained 97.6% qualified and tested 2 inch WC static pressure performance in vapor recovery system dispensing facilities with 50% qualified. There were 2040 sources from which volatile organic compounds leaked below 1000 ppm. The THC concentration in the emissions from 5 stationary sources were qualified. In this year, according to our suggestions, 10 VOC emission sources improved their pollution control systems.
英文關鍵字 VOC, vapor recovery system, volatile organic compounds leaked