

中文摘要 本報告資料統計日期自94年1月10日至94年12月31日止,主要工作執行成果分項說明如下,各項執行進度說明如下 1.柴油車動力計檢測:本計畫自94年1月10日至94年12月31日,柴油車到檢完成檢測有1909輛次,其中不合格者為81輛,不合格率為4.2%。 2.在油品抽驗部分,本計畫共完成油品抽查735件,送檢驗者180件,已完成檢驗180件,總計有50件超過法規標準,不合格率27.8%。 3.路邊攔檢本計畫共完成441輛,不合格數有77輛,不合格率為17.5%。民眾檢舉烏賊車案件亦較往年減少,已顯現本市柴油車管制成效。 4.本計畫每兩週執行四小時假日檢測,車主確有這方面的服務需求,本站亦將持續提供假日檢測供民眾利用。 5.目視判煙作業,執行柴油車目視判煙紀錄2439輛次,篩選通知到站檢驗2159輛次作業中,已到本站檢測的810輛中,有45輛檢測不合格,38輛退驗複驗,不合格率為5.6%。 6.環保署檢測資料庫連線系統建置,以配合車測中心完成資料庫系統連線安裝作業並上傳測試中。 7.94年度環保署動力計檢測站評鑑,本市檢測站已完成二次評鑑,總平均分數為85.58,名列A級。及94.9.23共舉辦二場次客貨運宣導座談會,針對環保署油品政策及本市環保局針對柴油車管制稽查新措施進行宣導,出席率皆有達9成以上。 9.受理民眾檢舉依環保署94年民眾檢舉函覆率之計算期程及計算方式,統計至94年1月至94年12月31日,嘉義市共受理人民檢舉案件150件,函覆率達97.3%。 10.本計畫今年度之更新經費共計為新台幣陸拾參萬貳仟陸佰元整。
中文關鍵字 嘉義市,空氣品質,柴油車


專案計畫編號 EPA-9301143 經費年度 093 計畫經費 5580 千元
專案開始日期 2005/01/10 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 許智雄
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 嘉義市環保局


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 94年嘉義市柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫期末報告.pdf 120MB [期末報告]

2005 Chiayi city air quality improvement plan and diesel cars power gauge smoke emission inspection station project.

英文摘要 In order to improve the air quality of Chiayi City and give the citizen a cleaner environment, the Chiayi City environmental protection Bureau according to the target and spirits of Air Pollution Control Act promote regular emission inspection of diesel engine vehicle. This project focuses on the vehicles that drive in Chiayi City. Through the smoking vehicle complaints to the authorities by public, and then the authorities notify the owner of vehicle to be inspected in emission inspection station. The quality of diesel fuel was tested in sampling in gas station or hold up the trucks on the curb, in order to control the illegal diesel fuel that contains higher sulfur. The statistics data in this report are dated from 2005/1/10~12/31. The performance of this project is described as follows: 1. Diesel engine vehicle smoke inspection: There 1909 vehicles were inspected during 2005/1/10~12/31. About 81 vehicles were failed by the smoke check. The failure rate of the smoke check is 4.2%. 2. Diesel Fuel test: This project has completed 735 diesel fuel samplings in the test of fuel quality. There are 180 samples was analyzed totally. There are 50 samples can not meet the criteria. The failure rate is 27.8%. 3. This project complete 441 vehicles smoke checks on the curbside. There are 77 vehicles fail to smoke check. The failure rate is 17.5%. The report of smoking vehicle complaint was decreased. 4. This project provides 4 hours holiday inspecting service which is needed by the owner of vehicle. 5. The operation of smoke check by eye on the roadway completes 2439 vehicles. The notifications were sent out 2159 vehicles. There are 810 vehicles were inspected in our station. There are 45 vehicles fail to the smoke check and 38 vehicles were rechecked. The failure rate is 5.6%. 6. The connection of database of EPA was established. The uploading operation was tested. 7. The review of inspection station was conducted by EPA. The score of our station was 85.58 and categorized as A class. 8. There are two promotions on 2005/4/22 and 2005/9/23. The fuel policy of EPA and the control measure of Chiayi EPB were introduced to the owner of vehicle. 9. The reply rate of smoking vehicle complaint in Chiayi City was 97.3%. 10. The funding of this project is NT$ 632,600.
英文關鍵字 Chiayi city,air quality,diesel cars