

中文摘要 本計畫蒐集美、加、澳、紐、日、歐盟等先進國家對廢潤滑油的管理制度及最近發展,經由相關業者與參酌國內近年所做之廢潤滑油流向調查分析結果,探討國內現況問題,盼對現行制度不足之處,提出改善建議。本計畫從資源回收體系及事業廢棄物管理制度探討,對未能完全將廢潤滑油之回收、處理、與再利用等行為納入環保法規所設計之體制,以致回收量及回收率偏低之原因,配合訪談及調查所得到的市場資訊進行分析討論,並提出建議摘要如下。 (1) 廢潤滑油成分、列管範圍與廢潤滑油產生率之建議。應評估以配合經濟部能源局能源需求統計、或民間業者分類方式,作為潤滑油認定標準。 (2) 回收率計算公式之建議。建議應考慮「妥善處理率」,並將「回收量」定義為包含未受稽核認證但已再利用之廢潤滑油量兩方向修正。 (3) 回收處理作業流程之管控機制方面。改善汽機車保修廠及中小型工廠廢潤滑油產生量及回收清運之申報登錄與查核。將熱能回收作為再利用用途明確化,並可達提升回收再利用量之效果。 (4) 市場價格及體制外回收業者競爭問題。考量給予體制內業者包括依照處理技術、污染防制及行政管理工作的合理補貼,以增加業者競爭力。 (5) 研擬設置回收點之原則與策略。增設回收據點可朝國內汽車維修保養連鎖通路與大型汽機車維修廠研擬規劃,並援引相關設施標準做為設施規範。 (6) 資源回收再利用與廢棄物管理之整合。建議可行方案有,鼓勵製造者與進口業者籌組自願性回收體系;提供再利用技術研究開發條件以鼓勵研發。
中文關鍵字 廢潤滑油、應回收廢棄物、回收再利用


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-HA11-03-A045 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2360 千元
專案開始日期 2005/02/05 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 鄭耀文
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 廢潤滑油計畫.pdf 12MB [期末報告]公開完整版

A Study to Re-evaluate the Status of Used Oils Recycling and Reuse

英文摘要 This study collects information and recent progresses on management system in U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and European Union. Results of a couple of previous surveys are also referred. Recycling rate based on the data collected through auditing and verification mechanisms of the Recycling Funds remains low for years. The objective of this study is to try to identify why the auditing-and-levee mechanism for general waste and reporting-and-control system of industrial waste have not been able to collect all the waste oil which is subject to proper reuse, recovery, treatment and final disposal. Recommendations and suggestion are discussed as follows. (1) CCC Codes adapted by Energy Bureau may be considered and Simplified categories may clarify current calculation for recycling rate and related fees. (2) The “recycled amount” should include the amount of waste reused even it is not audited. (3) Recovery as heat and energy should be enhanced to improve the overall result of recycling and reuse. (4) Legal business should be encouraged by providing assistance to upgrade their technology level and financial support by re-evaluating the levee. (5) Setup of recycling points can be coped with the existing Recycling Fund system. (6) Suggested measures can be construction of voluntary recycling system by manufacturers and importers, better environment of investment for developing recycling technology, and establishment of codes and standards for green-products.
英文關鍵字 Used oils、recycled waste、recycle and recovery