

中文摘要 依據環保署於93年所擬定之一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄計畫,目標是將回收率在96年度提升至25%,除了增加公告資源物質回收數量外,另外也新增可回收物質種類,以達成未來之回收目標。為因應未來新增公告項目成為週期性之工作,環保署遂委託本研究提出公告應回收廢棄物列管之進場機制與配套措施、已公告應回收項目之解除列管退場機制與配套措施,另外針對家庭用液態瓦斯鋼瓶納入強制回收之可行性評估。 依據進場機制作業各項調查評估結果,建議優先公告進場項目以手提音響為最優先,乾衣機、微波爐、吸塵器、錄放影機、電磁爐、電話機等次之。其中烤箱、傳真機及滑鼠由於其符合資源化比率高、有害物質比率低以及資源化價值高之標準,故建議該三種評估項目可採用民間自辦之回收方式。 退場機制評估方面,依退場作業程序評估分析結果,具有解除列管潛力之物品依次為廢鋁容器、廢鐵容器及廢潤滑油。初步篩選名單並無包含過去解除列管常見之廢冷暖氣機等項目,其原因為雖然其資源化價值高,但由於廢冷氣機中含有冷媒,此項物質對全球暖化及臭氧層之危害相當大,故在考量有害物質之前提下,建議應在有效管理有害物質及避免危害環境之前提下,方能進行解除列管。 家用瓦斯鋼瓶納入強制回收之可行性分析方面,本計畫依據瓦斯鋼瓶進場評估項目分析結果,考量一般家戶之瓦斯鋼瓶報廢方式、鋼瓶本身有害物質比例低、市場經濟面之資源化價值高及逆向回收管道順暢,本計畫建議不需強制公告回收,且基於業者之成本考量,建議業者自發性運作為主。 故本計畫完成重要成果計有: 1. 研擬回收項目公告為應回收廢棄物列管之進場機制及評估作業程序與配套措施。 2. 研擬已公告應回收廢棄物項目解除列管之退場機制及評估作業程序與配套措施。 3. 評估分析提出六項民間自辦回收未公告列管項目及三項已公告解除列管項目。 4. 評估家庭用液態瓦斯鋼瓶納入強制回收之可行性評估。 5. 舉辦四場座談會議,包括二場進退場機制座談會議,以及二場家庭用液態瓦斯鋼瓶回收之二場座談會議。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、評估機制、延長生產者責任


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-HA15-03-A088 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2200 千元
專案開始日期 2005/03/08 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 張添晉
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 執行單位 國立台北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-94-HA15-03-A088應回收廢棄物項目新增暨解除列管進退場機制規劃研究計畫.pdf 33MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The set of evaluation mechanism of announcing and countermand of due recycle waste

英文摘要 Based on the contents of the 'Complete Recycling for Zero Waste' action plan, a targeted 25% of garbage recycling rate will be achieved by the year 2007. This project aims at assisting EPA Recycling Fund Management Committee to do some feasibility analysis on announcing and countermanding various products to recycling items by considering their recycling value and their degree to harm the environment. In addition, this project evaluates the mechanism of home Liquefied Petroleum Gas. According to a survey which gathered fundamental information from each item, this project analyzes the feasibility of new listed products to be recycled. Through evaluation among the 10 items, the priority to be listed as mandatory recycling items are, waste portable stereo, waste dryer, waste microwave, waste vacuum cleaner, waste video recorder, waste electric magnetic cooker and waste telephone set. Going a step further to choose the most appropriate newly listed products by self-sponsored. This step comprises of three principles: 1)high reuse parts of the entire product. 2) low ratio of toxic substance. 3) high recycling value. After finishing the analysis, the project suggests the priority of announcing listed items as self-sponsored are, waste electric ovens, waste facsimile machine and waste mouse. In addition, the project evaluation mechanism to countermand of due recycle waste. After checking with the principles of process, the project found that the priority to be countermanded as recycling items are, aluminum container, iron container and waste lubricant. Moreover, this list does not include refrigerators and freezers, because they contain Freon, attention should be paid on recycling refrigerant, or it will become a great harm to the environment, example global warming and ozone layer depletion. As a result of this reason, they could not be countermanded as recycling items. For the evaluation of home Liquefied Petroleum Gas to recycling item, this project should not base it on announcing product to recycling item by considering the public willingness to recycle, the way of output and waste ones, high recycling value, low ratio of toxic substance, the cost of proprietor and well reverse recycling way. Eventually, this project suggests home Liquefied Petroleum Gas as recycling product by self-sponsored. So a plan finishes the important achievement has: 1. Finish the evaluation mechanism for announcing due recyclable waste. 2. Finish the set of evaluation mechanism of countermand of due recycle waste. 3. Finish six items that are not due recycle waste by self-sponsored and three countermanding items that due recycle waste. 4. Finish the evaluation mechanism of home Liquefied Petroleum Gas. 5. The project also assisted EPA to hold four explanation sessions, a mechanism of announcing and countermand of due recycle waste collecting and evaluation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
英文關鍵字 recycling, evaluation mechanism, extended producer responsibility