

中文摘要 本計畫旨在掌握國內公私場所及地方環保局對於CEMS之操作、營運及管理之狀況,協助蒐集國外CEMS最新管制規定、彙整中央及地方CEMS查核工作成果及標準檢驗測定方法與「CEMS管理辦法」之差異,據以進行修正之研議及管理制度績效之提昇。 20根次之CGA項目中,訊號輸入查核結果顯示各根次皆在合理誤差範圍內。平行比對方面,除桃園南亞錦興廠SO2外,其餘各家工廠比對誤差百分比皆在5%標準之內。標準氣體查核結果方面,各煙道皆符合規定。整體評分結果,則是以桃園欣榮焚化廠P001最高,新竹縣長春樹脂P201最低。 40根次系統查核工作之評分中,桃園國光電廠P001最高,苗栗東和鋼鐵P001最低。統合60根次看來,所有查核根次皆有監測設施設置及管理現況上之問題,其中又以文件之完整與正確性不足為最。抽樣進行Z/S偏移測試及OP查核結果發現,前者大致符合。後者,低、高較中濃度差。抽樣統計28根次各720筆NOx、O2、SO2、CO及OP資料進行Shewhart table分析,建議超限筆數較多之廠家宜注意數據及監測設施之品保品管。 複查工作共進行94年度52根次之電話追蹤,以及93年度8根次重大缺失與94年度8根次評比較差之現場查核,各廠皆已進行改善中。另外,94年8月針對常見缺失在南北各舉辦一場次說明會,廠商參加情形踴躍且討論熱烈。 縣市環保局CEMS作業19縣市及38根次煙道資料監督查核部分,文件完整性以台南縣最佳(93%),而台中市、宜蘭縣、台北縣、基隆市稍差(<50%),台中市在許可文件缺漏項目較為嚴重。執行管理面主要問題為未建立無效數據審核機制,發生率84%。本工作小組亦制定查核之標準程序及表格,供縣市考評時有所依循。在輔導縣市環保局使用及維護提昇連線系統功能提昇方面,共完成22件,涵蓋17個縣市。在安裝94年新版系統方面,由工作小組協助安裝新版系統進行測試,涵蓋計畫輔導之各縣市。另外, 94年5月及11月舉行之訓練會與檢討會除針對查核重點及管制作業進行說明外,亦針對地方查核管制遭遇問題及現行法規疑義進行討論。 管理辦法之研修方面,針對美德日等國CEMS最新管制規定及趨勢進行收集。亦新增美國在「低SOX和NOX濃度監測數據之解決方案」之資訊及德國在「連線系統架構」相關辦法。針對查核之現況、相關問題以及更新之資訊,亦提出本法之修正草案,以供參考。 94年8月第一次專家諮詢會中,針對「CEMS管理辦法」附錄及環保署公告之自動檢測方法合併規定之可行性、國內施行PEM管制可行性及「CEMS管理辦法」修正初步規劃方向與內容三大部份進行探討。94年11月第二次專諮會中,則針對「CEMS軟、硬體加強管理之規劃」及「歷年CEMS查核工作執行成效檢討」進行討論。針對後者,已建立相關查核成效指標並發現CEMS歷年計畫執行成效卓越。
中文關鍵字 連續自動監測設施,法規修正,查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-FA12-03-A102 經費年度 094 計畫經費 5180 千元
專案開始日期 2005/03/21 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 朱信
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 朱信,蔡俊鴻,曾庭科


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 cems定稿(全).pdf 491MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Audit to Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems for air pollutants from stationary sources in 2005

英文摘要 The objectives of this project are to collect informations on the operation, maintenance, and audit of continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) by the stationary sources and local environmental protection bureaus (EPBs), to search the latest foreign CEMS legislations, to analyze the achievement of the CEMS management by the EPA and EPBs, and to revise the CEMS legislation in order to improve the management of CEMS. The CGA and data verification audit have been thoroughly applied to 20 selected stacks. The relative errors (RAs) between the audits on input signal and output signal of all selected stacks are in a reasonable range. In the parallel check on output signals, the RAs of all selected stacks, except the SO2 signal of Taoyan NanYa Chingsing plant, are within the required 5% limit. In the CGA, the RAs of all selected stacks fulfil the required 15% limit. Combined with CGA, data verification audit, and the system and other operation audits, the overall grade of Taoyan Hsin Lung Incinerator P001 is on the top of 20 selected stacks. On the contrary, Hsinchu Chang Chun Resin Plant P201 is in the bottom. In the system and operation audits without CGA nor data verification audit, 40 stacks were selected. The overall grade of Taoyan Kuo Kuang power plant P001 is on the top. However, Miaoli Tung Ho Steel P001 is in the bottom. By and large, problems can be found in the installation and management of CEMS in all 60 selected stacks. Among those, the integrity and correctness of the documents are the most difficult part to be complied with. The results of zero/span shift check and opacity audit on some selected stacks show that the CEMS calibrations are qualified, however the RAs of opacity audit on middle values are better than those of higher and lower values. From the results of Shewhart table analysis on 720 sets NOX, O2, SO2, CO, and OP data each of 28 selected stacks, some plants need to improve the quality of QA/QC on CEMS and data management. Reaudits have been done in three categories: (1) 52 selected stacks by telephone tracks, (2) 8 remained stacks which have serious problems by field reaudits, and (3) 8 selected stacks which have serious problems in the fiscal year of 2004 by field reaudits too. All these plants have done some improvements already. Besides, two seminars regarding the common CEMS problems were held at Taipei and Tainan, respectively, in August, 2005. More than 100 representatives from the CEMS installed plants attended each seminar and discussed the issues passionately. The documents of 19 local EPBs and 38 stacks (2 stacks for each EPB) were chosen to be audited. The document integrity of Tainan county is the best (93%), however, the same of Taichung city, Yilan county, Taipei county, and Chilung city are poor (< 50%). The missed information problem on the permission documents is serious for Taichung city. The major problem on CEMS managements is lacking the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) on ineffective data audit (84%). The project team has developed a SOP with audit tables to train the officers of EPBs. In order to assist EPBs to operate, maintain, and upgrade the CEMS internet system, the project team has accomplished 22 issues, covering 17 EPBs, by telephone instruction or field assistance. The team has also assist all selected EPBs to upgrade the new CEMS internet system version of 2005. Besides, two seminars regarding the CEMS audit and management were held at Taipei and Yilan in May and November, 2005, respectively. Close to 100 officers and consultants from the EPBs attended each seminar and discussed the audit problems and legislation’s feasibilities enthusiastically. For the revision of the CEMS legislation, the latest informations from the US, Germany, and Japan have been searched. Among those, “the solution to the low SOX and NOX concentration CEMS data” from the US and “the secured CEMS internet system” from Germany are very valuable. A new version of the revised CEMS legislation has been drafted. The first advisory committees meeting was held in August, 2005. the agenda include the feasibility study on the mergence of the appendices of CEMS legislation and standard methods of continous analysis, the feasibility study on the adoption of the Predictive Emission Monitoring System (PEMS), and the planning on the revision of CEMS legislation. The second advisory committees meeting was held in November, 2005. the agenda cover the planning on enhanced management of the CEMS hardware and software and the cost-benefit analysis on the historical CEMS projects funded by the EPA and EPBs. Regarding the later, the team has developed a series of cost-benefit indices and found that the CEMS projects have accomplished a great job.
英文關鍵字 Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS), Legislation Revisions, Audit