

中文摘要 本年度已執行93年11月至94年11月共13個月份「降低車用液化石油氣售價」補助款申請案之審查及撥款工作,總計核准LPG 5,340萬公升、核撥補助款1億6千20萬,且申請案不合格比率較去年度為低,顯示業者申報資料正確度有提昇,此外全年亦完成6次加氣站現場查核,相關查核結果均已提報環保署備查。 本計畫已蒐集LPG車相關現況,全省發氣量及每月加氣車輛數均較去年增加,且多數加氣站已有盈收,並有二座新站開業以及數家新站籌建中,顯示環保署補助氣價政策確實提升LPG車使用意願。 車齡方面,以94年11月購得之車籍資料顯示,使用中LPG車有8,500餘輛,其中三期車數量較去年度大幅增加,佔60%,且多集中在大台北地區,中南部則以老舊之一、二期車為主。根據國內外研究與實車測試結果推估,LPG車對人體健康之影響低於汽油廢氣,致癌風險為汽油引擎廢氣的1/2900,且在CO2、臭氧前趨物及醛酮類化合物方面均有明顯污染減量成效,減量成本約為0.5萬/噸。
中文關鍵字 加氣站,補助款


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-FA13-03-D023 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2300 千元
專案開始日期 2005/01/25 專案結束日期 2006/02/28 專案主持人 張和中
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人車輛研究測試中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿本.pdf 7MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Subsidy to debase the price of LP-Gas

英文摘要 Works of reviewing subsidy application cases and allocating fund were conducted during the period from November 2004 to November 2005. The total amount subsidized for 53.4 million liter LPG was 160.02 million NTD. Drop in number of unqualified application cases comparing to previous year indicated that the auditing work of this project improved dramatically the quality of application material submitted by the applicant. Six non-periodic site checks for LPG service station around the island were carried out this year and results of the site check was sent to Environmental Protection Administration. Information regarding the operation of LPG service stations and the number of in-use vehicles was collected. Two more new Service stations open and sold more LPG per month this year than previous years and were able to make profit. This outcome indicated that EPA’s subsidy strategy increased the willingness to use LPG vehicles. The number of LPG vehicles converted from vehicles increased comparatively than last year. Mostly are third phase vehicles and centralize around Taipei metropolitan. Exhaust from LPG vehicles are harmless then their gas vehicles counterpart. The cost to decrease CO2、Ozone formation potential、aldehyde and carbonyl compounds are NT$5,000 per ton. Proposals to promote the use of LPG vehicles were analyzed and given to this Administration as reference for future implementation
英文關鍵字 LPG,subsidy