

中文摘要 能源之星計畫,係美國環境保護署鑑於溫室氣體中二氧化碳含量35%是來自電力消耗,乃於1992 年與能源部(DOE)、製造商、零售業、地方公共事業及私營企業共同合作推動自願性合作計畫。期製造出省能、高效率的產品,節約能源以降低發電所產生之二氧化碳。目前能源之星已是一國際性產品標誌計畫,台灣係於1999 年7 月與美國行政院環境保護署簽定備忘錄而正式引進「能源之星辦公室設備方案」。建立申請與驗證機制已完成並由驗證機構(財團法人環境與發展基金會)進行申請案之初審,通過後再由行政院環境保護署複審並發證,並自2000 年7 月起開始受理辦公室設備方案產品廠商申請使用能源之星標章。 鑑於台灣辦公室設備資訊產業產量已佔全球六成製造量,故經推估計算出台灣辦公室設備產品對於全球整體節能效益以目前獲得能源之星標章產品620萬台為依據,每年可節省約1.09 億度的電力(相當於減少7 萬噸CO2排放產生量),硫氧化物每年約有59,000 公斤之減量,而氮氧化物每年約有54,000 公斤之減量。 除上述之外,本計畫至目前為止亦完成了:(1)200 件產品能源之星標章使用抽驗作業,結果計4 件產品違規使用,冒用能源之星標章率已由2002 年51%降低至目前2%,冒用標章廠商已進行改善作業;(2)建立我國與各能源之星夥伴國之聯繫溝通管道,隨時保持互動與溝通;(3)完成能源之星中文網頁更新作業,並辦理三期電子季報發行作業,每期共寄出一萬六仟多筆資料,對象涵蓋國內政府單位、學術機構、民間團體、民眾及國外相關人員,充分宣導台灣推動標章成效;(4)歸納整理各能源之星夥伴國執行現況與策略分析,並彙整後供相關單位參考,有利於推動標章計畫策略與國外同步;(5)完成國內各標章計畫差異性及區隔性說明,並詳細針對各標章計畫產品及規格作比較。
中文關鍵字 能源之星標章;溫室氣體;辦公室設備方案


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-FA11-03-A156 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2600 千元
專案開始日期 2005/03/18 專案結束日期 2005/12/31 專案主持人 于寧
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-94-FA11-03-A156.pdf 12MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Project of promotion the ENERGYSTAR Label and reduce the Greenhouse

英文摘要 As 35% of the greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to the generation of electricity, together with the Department of Energy, manufacturers and retailers, as well as public utilities and private enterprises, the USEPA introduced the Energy Star program (“program”), a voluntary energy efficiency program, in 1992. The objective of the program is to encourage the manufacturing of high energy efficiency electrical and electronic products, in order to reduce the carbon dioxide released through electricity generation. The program has since developed into an international program, with presence throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The Republic of China (ROC) government also introduced the “office equipment category” of the program into Taiwan through a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Environmental Protection Administration of ROC (“ROC-EPA”) and USEPA in July 1999. At present, the ROC Energy Star program is operated by the Environment and Development Foundation (EDF) under the commission of ROC-EPA. EDF is in charge of initial review of the application, while the right to decide on grating the use of Energy Star logo remains with the ROC-EPA. Acceptance of application for use of logo on the office equipment products under the ROC program started in July 2000. Since close to 60% of global office equipment and information technology products can be attributed to Taiwanese manufacturers, the energy efficiency improvement of Taiwanese office products can have global consequences. Presently, there are close to 6.2 million units of office equipment products carry the Energy Star logo under the ROC program, capable of saving 109 million kWh of electricity, and reduced 70 thousand tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year. For the year 2005, the ROC Energy Star program has accomplished the following tasks: 1. Conducted audit of 200 products and uncovered 4 non-complying products. As a result of the audit actions, the ratio of non-complying products has decreased from the high of 51% 2002 to the present 2%; 2. Established communication channel with other Energy Star programs and maintained constant contact; 3. Revised and updated the Chinese Energy Star website and published 3 issues of electronic ROC-Energy Star Newsletters in both Chinese and English, which has been distributed to 16 thousand interested parties worldwide, and served the purpose of disseminating ROC program information; 4. Gathered and Compiled implementation experience and strategies from other Energy Star programs which can be used in developing domestic eco-labeling implementation strategies; 5. Completed the comparisons and segregation analysis of various labeling program in ROC, and compared the products and specifications from these programs.
英文關鍵字 ENERGYSTAR, Greenhouse Gases, Office Equipment