

中文摘要 行政院於91年9月9日核定「環保科技園區推動計畫」,在環保署統籌下,目前高雄縣、花蓮縣、桃園縣及台南縣四座園區正在積極推動中。 環保科技園區的主題為:綠色、共生、新經濟。規劃與執行的重點在:引進綠色產業以促進區域性資源/能源的永續利用,引導區域內產業、社區與生態的結合以建立資源共享的共生體系,啟動循環型經濟體系的發展以創造新經濟的價值。 為達到以上的目標,本計畫的目的在延續過去環保科技園區推動與招商之成果,加強宣導及海內外招商,並針對已錨定之目標技術,進一步引進先進廠商進駐四座環保科技園區,協助提昇環保、再生資源與能源技術,帶動綠色產業,以建構循環型的產業經濟體系。 執行至今,本計畫已完成:國內外可投資或設廠之技術分析與現況檢討、國內外園區最新發展趨勢之提供與諮詢、三場媒合暨招商說明會、一場(美國A&WMA)海外展覽及二場國內展覽、製作生動活潑之中英文海報 / 宣導品 / 中英文並列文宣、刊登報紙 / 雜誌廣告與專訪十二則、發行電子報每月一次以及其他配合招商之相關作業。 整體而言,本計畫持續蒐集分析產業新資訊,藉文宣/宣導,舉辦海外展覽及媒合說明會,促使國內外技術合作,並協助廠商解答疑慮及投資考量,積極掌握其投資意願的時效,給予貼切的諮詢與服務,協助其申請進駐,確實已發揮了積極的招商宣導效果。在與四座園區籌備處的共同努力下,目前已有20家廠商進駐園區,投資額約66億元,並創造了年141億的產值,為我國高附加價值的綠色環保商機與能量,注入了強心劑,也為我國的循環型經濟,奠定了良好的開始。至於國外廠商部分,除已獨資或合作進駐園區之7家廠商外,目前有19家正與特定對象洽談合作,另有16家在尋求夥伴或考慮亞洲市場中。在台外商公司,目前有2家考慮進駐園區,5家分析園區資料中。後續計畫宜持續追蹤,提供貼切之服務,促成其進駐園區,以共享「投資台灣、佈局亞洲」之雙贏成果。在國內廠商方面,目前有54家正在申請或評估進駐園區中。四座園區籌備處正在緊密追蹤聯繫。後續計畫宜提供必要之服務與協助,促使綠色環保產業進駐,落實循環型的產業與社會經濟體系。 環保科技園區之推動,主要由四座環保科技園區籌備處執行。惟綜合協調與諮詢服務,仍宜有一中央環保署委託的專案來協助,以達到統合加乘之效。 在後續工作上,建議進行各園區的發展條例分析、持續協助宣導並提供產業諮詢、以及參加海外展覽並舉辦媒合說明會,以利各園區建立實質的循環型環保科技園區。
中文關鍵字 環保科技園區,綠色產業,生態化園區,永續發展


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-H102-02-106 經費年度 094 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2005/02/17 專案結束日期 2006/02/16 專案主持人 巢志成
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA94H10202106[1][1][1].DOC.pdf 36MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Environmental Science and Technology Park Business Promotion Project

英文摘要 The R.O.C. Executive Yuan approved the “Environmental Science and technology Park Project” on 09 September 2002. The Environmental Protection Administration further designated Kaohsiung, Hualien, Taoyuan and Tainan counties to establish four regional Environmental Science and Technology Parks (ESTPs). The theme of the ESTPs is to develop a healthy and sustainable circular economy by forming a symbiotic system(s) among the industries, communities and the ecology around the ESTPs, through incorporation of necessary green industries into individual ESTP which help to maximize the material and energy use efficiency within the region. The main tasks of this ESTP Business Promotion Project are to: assess the technology needs of the four ESTPs; help to identify the target industries/companies and raise their interest in joining the ESTPs through trade shows, seminars and private discussions; and assist the eligible and enthusiastic companies to secure their approval for setting up operating facilities in the ESTPs. Means of soliciting companies’ interest include: advertising on newspapers and magazines, distribution of ESTP brochures, participating in international trade shows, holding business promotion seminars, private visits and meetings, etc. During the report period, the project team has completed: a study of green technology and eco-industrial park trend analysis; recommendation to four ESTPs on targeted technologies and industries; exhibition at the 2005 Air and Waste Management Conference and Exhibition in Minneapolis; organizing three (3) seminars in Taiwan and assisting/participating at another nine (9) seminars held by four ESTPs; preparation and distribution of ESTP brochures both in English and Chinese; issuing monthly e-Newsletter; providing coordination and consultation service to interested companies and ESTPs to facilitate the dialogue and application procedures. In all, by the end of the report period, 20 companies have been qualified and signed in for setting up production/operating facilities in ESTPs, including 14 for Kaohsiung, 5 for Tainan, and 1 for Taoyuan, with many other applicants waiting for approval. The total investment of these 20 companies is about NT$6.6 billion, while the annual revenue generated is estimated at NT$14.1 billion, a remarkable achivement indeed. The types of the industries moving into the ESTPs cover a wide range of green technologies, including: high-efficiency environmental equipment manufacturing, high value-added resource recovery, and strategic environmental technologies. Together they are sure to contribute greatly to the economic growth of the afore-mentioned counties/regions, and also help to improve the environmental performance of the regions surrounding the ESTPs, hence enhancing the green competitiveness of the related industries as a whole.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Science and Technology Park, Green Industry, Eco-Industrial Park, Sustainable Development