

中文摘要 由於道路塵土為粒狀空氣污染物前驅物質之主要來源之一,故道路塵土清掃之成效與此項污染物排放量之削減有立即而直接之影響,因此,屏東縣環保局乃將加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫列為重點工作之一。為提昇計畫品質,更採民有民營精神,公開招標甄選顧問公司代為規劃與管理監督洗掃執行單位,達到落實洗掃工作,爭取實質的減量效益,改善屏東縣空氣品質。 洗掃執行單位自94年4月中旬開始執行洗掃工作,至95年月中旬共計完成執行掃街14,104.0公里,洗街20,771.9公里。截至95年2月底止洗街車每月平均執行1,747公里,每月用水量介於856公噸至1,888公噸之間,平均單位用水量為0.85公噸/公里,均能符合環保署規範要求(>0.8公噸/公里),而掃街車每月平均執行1,208公里,塵土總收集量為404,030公斤,平均單位集塵量為30.16公斤/公里。另外本年度截至95年2月底止共計執行10次屏東及潮州測站周邊道路TSP/PM10檢測作業,檢測結果大致可說明洗掃作業對於街道揚塵具有一定的改善成效。本年度問卷調查共計完成800份有效問卷,其中受訪者性別以男性最多約佔54.9%,而女性受訪者則佔45.1%;而年齡層分佈以30~39歲族群最多佔25.8%,其次為40~49歲族群佔24.3%;針對加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫的滿意度調查,約6成以上受訪者對於洗掃作業感到非常滿意,感覺滿意者佔33%,認為尚可者佔7%,顯示多數民眾對於洗掃工作執行情形表示肯定。
中文關鍵字 單位集塵量,單位用水量,TSP/PM10檢測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1470 千元
專案開始日期 2005/04/19 專案結束日期 2005/04/21 專案主持人 陳威達
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 摘要.pdf 0MB 公開版

The Enhancement of Road Dust Removal Project in Pingtong - Planning and Management

英文摘要 Street sweeping and flushing efficiency has a direct influence on the pollution reduction rates because road dust is known as one of primary indicators of particle air pollution. Therefore, Pingtong Environmental Protective Bureau regards the enhancement of road dust removal as one of their significant tasks. To pursuit actual reduction of particle air pollution in Pingtong County, the project executive company is openly and carefully screened in terms of experience and ability. The project executor has swept streets of 14,104 kilometers in length and flushed streets of 20,771.9 kilometers in length, from the mid April of 2005 to the mid April of 2006. According to the statistics collected till February 2006, street flushers operated at an average of 1,747 kilometers per month and consumed about 856 tones to 1,888 tons of water, at an average of 0.85 tons of water use per kilometer. All the performance meets the requirements of Environmental Protective Agency—water use goes above 0.8 tons per kilometer, flushing length as 1,208 kilometers per month, the gross collection of street dusts as 404,030 kilograms, at an average of 30.16 kilograms per kilometer. In addition, 10 times of TSP/PM10 tests are carried out along the peripheral roads of Pingtong and Chaojhou test locations. Tests report shows that street sweeping and flushing efficiency has certain influence on air pollution reduction rates 800 copies of questionnaires are filled out and surveys that the questioned are 54.9% male and 45.1% female, 25.8% at the age of 30 to 39, 24.3%at the age of 40 to 49. More than 60% of the questioned greatly appreciate, 33% feel satisfied with and 7% feels okay about the flushing efficiency of the year. Obviously, most people approve of the road dust removal performance.
英文關鍵字 dust collection, water use per kilometer, TSP/PM10 tests