

中文摘要 本年度計畫將加強露天燃燒管制、稽查與取締以及廢棄物移置追蹤列為重要項目之一,並配合環保局處理民眾公害陳情案件,以提昇陳情處理時效;另外,針對境內六條流域包括八掌溪、急水溪、將軍溪、曾文溪、鹽水溪及二仁溪等進行巡查管制,並且藉重當地居民的力量及參與,達成河川整治保育工作,有效遏止非法棄置及非法露天燃燒之情形。 本計畫自94年4月8日決標日起執行至95年4月7日為止,各分項量化工作完成率如下: 1.本計畫進行人員每月在職訓練,至94年3月已辦理12場,訓練內容包含空氣污染、水污染、廢棄物清理等相關法規及巡查技巧,也於每次在職訓練後,針對巡守隊員進行測驗,其測驗結果良好,顯示對於所教授之課程內容皆能吸收瞭解。 2.本計畫巡守人員總巡查長度已達612,376公里,而在遭大量廢棄物堆置地點設置告示牌共設置528處,已有效遏止傾倒廢棄物之情事發生。 3.本計畫提報六大流域巡查成果:露天燃燒案件共1,387件、廢棄物堆置案件共3,927件、水污染案件共3,383件、廢棄物堆置量為139,984.6立方公尺、廢棄物追蹤移除達124處其清除量為9,994.2公噸。 4.本計畫每月依據巡守隊員執行成效、巡查記錄表填寫狀況及重大案件回報情形對巡守隊員進行考評,目前為止已完成12次考評,並依據考評辦法,於每月教育訓練對表現良好隊員及小隊予以表揚。 5.空氣污染抑制量及廢棄物、露天燃燒查獲之效益,其成果十分顯著:空氣污染物削減量分別為:TSP:14.6公噸、PM10:5.1公噸、SOX:1.0公噸、NOX:5.5公噸、CO:77.1公噸、THC:39.3公噸、NMHC:27.4公噸。 6.本計畫執行成果均依月份公佈於環保局網站(http://home.kimo.com.tw/linven81/index.htm)供民眾瀏覽。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒,河川巡守


專案計畫編號 EPA-94601 經費年度 094 計畫經費 19100 千元
專案開始日期 2005/04/08 專案結束日期 2006/04/07 專案主持人 翁誠甫
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 吉彬工程顧問有限公司 翁誠甫


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期末報告 94601.pdf 59MB [期末報告]

2005’ Odors and Open-air Combustion, Patrol Control Plan of Agriculture and industry

英文摘要 Strengthened to restrain open-air combustion, inspection, clampdown and waste disposal tracing had been list as the one of the important project of 2005’ which had been operating in coordination to the public appeal cases for environmental pollution issue of Environmental Protection Bureau to prompt the time efficiency during dealing with them; besides, the plan is aimed to patrol and investigate the six rivers including Bazhang River, Jishui River, Jiangjun River, Zengwen River,Yanshui Rivers and Er-ren River in the valley. With the strengths and participations of local residents to carry out the task of river dredging and preservation for effectively banning illegal wastes disposals and open-air combustion. This plan was enforced from April 8th, 2005(The tender awarding date) to April 7th, 2006, the finished rates of all items are as following: 1. The monthly on-the-job trainings for the staff had been held 12 times until March of 2005, the contents of course included the related laws and inspection techniques of litters clean up, air and water pollutions, etc. It revealed good at the result of test which examined the members of patrol squad whether completely absorb and comprehensive after the training. 2. For effectively curb the occurrences of wastes dumping, the total patrol and investigation area had already been enlarged to 612,376 kilometers and posted 528 sets of bulletin board at the sites of garbage heap. 3. The achievements of cruising in the six rivers: there are totally 1,387 cases of open-air combustion, 3,927 cases of waste heaps and the volume is139,984.6 cubic meters, 3,383 cases of water pollution, 124 wastes disposal tracing spots and the volume of trash, 9,994.2 tons had been removed. 4. The monthly evaluation items of this project to the cruising staff including the execution effects conditions of guards, the fill out situation of inspection record forms and the report of major cases which had been already finished 12 examinations currently. Also, for the cruising squads and members that had good performances during monthly training, they could be rewarded and commended according to the measures of evaluation. 5. The benefits of hunt down and seize for the suppress volumes of polluted-air, wastes and open-air combustion are very obvious; the reduction volumes of air pollution are 14.6 tons of TSP, 5.1 tons of PM10s, 1.0 ton of SOXs, :5.5 tons of NOXs, 77.1 tons of COs, 39.3 tons of THCs and 27.4 tons of NMHCs. 6. The monthly enforced effects of this plan were announced on the website of Environmental Protection Bureau that providing browses for publics (http://the home.kimo.com.tw/linven 81/index.htm).
英文關鍵字 open-air combustion,River Patrolling