

中文摘要 1. 稽核認證回收量及處理量之執行成果,統計自94年4月1日至95年3月31日為止:一般廢輪胎稽核認證量計103,256,198公斤,專案廢輪胎稽核認證量計3,363,780公斤,廢輪胎特種胎稽核認證量計706條;一般廢鉛蓄電池稽核認證量計37,512,576公斤,特用電池稽核認證量計2,527,910公斤,本計畫共執行處理業1,803場次稽核證作業。 2. 在稽核認證量不合格情形查核部分,廢輪胎類共扣發843,618公斤,共防止2,699,578元之補貼費用遭溢領;廢鉛蓄電池類共扣發2,197公斤,共防止3,845元之補貼費用遭溢領。 3. 人員訓練之實施成果:已完成每位新進人員40小時之職前訓練及專業考核,亦於94年6月2~4日及95年1月20日共四天完成專業集訓,並於94年6月17日、94年6月23日及94年7月6日辦理現場實地稽核訓練,另藉由每月召開工作會議來辦理定期會議訓練及19場次之特別訓練,以培訓現場稽核人員各類之專業技能及溝通技巧。 4. 處理業作業程序查核結果中,不合格比率以處理業之貯存情形異常為最高,占整體80.71%,分析其原因為多數處理業進料處理時經常廢輪胎搬移及進出廠車次頻繁,致使查核時不符合設施標準規範之頻率較高所致。 5. 環境稽核查核結果,以人員防護不合格比例為最高,占整體之33.33%。 6. 異常原因統計成果:廢輪胎處理廠之重大異常部分以稽核認證設備異常如進料電子磅秤及地磅故障/更換印表紙、進廠地磅故障、CCTV監視錄影系統故障及角度調整等異常共444次,占本計畫總重大異常次數的65.29%。非重大異常部分則以機械設備異常最高,共發生311次,占本計畫總非重大異常次數的65.61%,主要係因廢輪胎處理破碎使機械設備磨損較大,經常需要更換刀具以利處理作業的進行,故較易有設備故障、維修及保養的情形發生。廢鉛蓄電池處理廠所發生之重大異常中有96.77%為稽核認證設備異常,非重大異常中有66.67%為機械設備異常。 7. 會計稽核之執行,乃委託專業之眾信會計所人員,以每年二次之頻率執行處理業之成品、半成品及原料庫存盤點,並檢視處理業提供之相關憑證,來執行檢視及勾稽其合理性。依據會計師查核結果,顯示查核處理業中其提供之憑證皆屬合理,並未發現任何重大異常情事。另依本計畫契約書規範,針對僅經營應回收廢棄物之處理業,進行財務、營運及繼續經營之假設等進行分析,亦無有發現重大異常事件。 8. 新設資源處理機構審核部分,本會共配合6家/7場次處理機構申請受補貼機構資格及新增/變更審核之現勘作業。 9. 處理業違規記點成果共計38點,分析記點原因,最多的為未覆遮雨設施、未依規定貯存廢輪胎或未於每日操作前進行砝碼測試所致。
中文關鍵字 廢輪胎,廢鉛蓄電池,稽核認證團體,稽核認證數量


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-HA13-03-A096 經費年度 094 計畫經費 19900 千元
專案開始日期 2005/04/01 專案結束日期 2006/03/31 專案主持人 謝永旭
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人臺灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告公開版.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Tires and Waste Lead Acid Batteries)

英文摘要 1. Results on inspection and certification amounts ˙Certified recycled-disposal quantity on:  waste tire:103,256,198kg  waste tire(EPA case basis):3,363,780kg  waste tire(special types):706pieces  waste lead acid battery(general types):37,512,576kg  waste lead acid battery(special types):2,527,910kg ˙Inspection on site:1,803trips 2. Auditing results on disqualified events ˙843,618kg certified recycled-disposal quantity on waste tire is deducted for disqualified events which is equal to 2,699,578 NT Dollars. ˙2,197kg certified recycled-disposal quantity on waste lead acid battery is deducted for disqualified events which is equal to 3,845 NT Dollars. 3. Results on training All inspectors are required to fulfill 40-hour training and examination. Pro training was held during June 2005-January 2006, and on-site inspection training was held on June 17, 2005 , June 23, 2005 and July 6, 2005. In addition, routine training and 19 special training were held through workshops monthly. 4. Auditing results on operation process of recycling and disposal enterprises The major disqualified operation process is abnormal storage condition which contributes 80.71% of the total. 5. Auditing results on environmental safety and health The major disqualification on environmental safety and health are staff safety (33.33%). 6. Auditing results on abnormal events Waste Tire: Facility abnormal is totaled 444 times which is the highest of major normal events(65.29%). Mechanical abnormal occurred 311 times and is the highest of the minor abnormal events(65.61%). Waste lead acid battery: Facility abnormal is the highest of major normal events(96.77%). And mechanical abnormal is the highest of the minor abnormal events(66.67%). 7. Results on accounting audit Accounting audits were carried out by professional accountants twice a year on inventory and its relative records. None major abnormal event was found from the accounting audits. 8. Examination on newly set up recycling and disposal enterprises During the project period, FTIS totally carried out 7 trips on site including 6 recycling and disposal enterprises on subsidized enterprise qualification application. 9.The scoring penalty for those disposal enterprises that violated regulations are totally accumulated 38 points.
英文關鍵字 waste tire, waste lead acid battery, inspection and certification third party, inspection and certification amounts