

中文摘要 1.94年4月~95年3月廢潤滑油稽核認證回收量計14,266,461公升 2.94年4月~95年3月廢潤滑油稽核認證處理量計13,447,355公升 3.回收業採樣油品經化驗水份/沉澱物百分比大於50%僅占3.9%,針對此部分已依據 貴署訂定之補貼費率,不予核發補貼費用。 4.查核回收業設施標準不合格次數計有17次,其不合格原因為運送車輛未具備標示牌及緊急滅火設備不符規範,至於處理業查核結果不合格原因主要為滅火器檢點表模糊不清及油品貯存區油污污染。 5.針對回收業每一進場車次進行查核,以杜絕不法行為發生。94年4月~95年3月經本會查核進場回收業清運車輛內部區隔並無異常情形發生。 6.每月針對處理業執行環境工安查核,查核不合格部分主要為油品貯存區油污污染及現場人員未依規定穿著安全鞋,針對上述異常本會已於現場輔導該公司人員以棉布及木屑吸附油污及輔導該公司人員應穿著安全鞋,並經本會追蹤確認改善完成。 7.每月針對處理業執行衍生廢棄物貯存環境及庫存數量查核並針對處理業處理衍生廢棄物及再生料,執行出廠流向追蹤查核工作。 8.執行回收業及處理業會計稽核,經查核報表及相關憑證均能相互勾稽,且未見重大異常。 9.配合應回收廢棄物回收處理業受補貼機構申請案審核執行成果,共計配合2家處理業及10家回收業之現勘審核工作。 10.有關異常事件計有88件異常,其中已結案有85件,尚需持續追蹤有3件,本會將持續追蹤未結案異常之改善情形。 11.累計執行稽核認證484場次,並達本計畫合約書所要求之最高級距目標。 12.完成每月在職訓練及年度專業訓練等相關人員訓練工作。 13.依本會制定內部稽核制度進行系統面與執行面之查核作業,相關內部稽核小組查核之缺失皆已確實改善。
中文關鍵字 廢潤滑油,稽核認證團體,稽核認證量


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-HA13-03-A106 經費年度 094 計畫經費 11150 千元
專案開始日期 2005/04/01 專案結束日期 2006/03/31 專案主持人 謝永旭
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 公開版.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste(Waste Lubricants)

英文摘要 The execution results of the Project conducted by FTIS during the project period, April 01, 2005 to March 31,2006, can be summarized as following: 1.Certified recycled quantity:14,266,461 liters. 2.Certified disposal quantity:13,447,355 liters. 3.Analyzed by the chemical method, only 3.9% of the collected sample from recycling industry is composed with water/sediment percentage greater than 50%. Therefore the remediation fund for this part is not approved under EPA regulation. 4.There are 17 unqualified results for the equipment standard inspecting of recycling industry. No appropriate sign on the recycling truck and unqualified emergency extinguisher were the major causes. In the other hand, the unqualified reasons for the disposal industry were the barely readable checklist on extinguishers and contaminated oil storage. For those who unqualified above, FTIS will investigate continuously and ensure the future improvement. 5.In order to prevent violation, every entry truck must be inspected. There is no abnormal circumstance of the interior segregation within every recycling truck from April 01, 2005 to March 31, 2006. 6.For the monthly working environment safety inspection, the unqualified results in disposal industry are caused by contaminated oil storage and inappropriate shoes for the field crew. FTIS instruct the specific firms to absorb the contaminated oil by using cotton mod or saw dust, and educate the field crew to wear the appropriate shoes. Thus all the improvements have been implemented. 7.According to disposal industry, inspect the derivative waste storage environment and audit the inventory monthly. Also inspect and track the flow of the derivative waste and the recycled material. 8.There is no abnormal event regarding to the accounting auditing for recycling and disposal industry. 9.During the project period, FTIS evaluate the field inspections of 10 recycling firms and 2 disposal firms for subsidized qualification. 10.Total 88 abnormal events were found during the project period. 85 cases are closed and 3 cases are still in improving. FTIS will inspect and ensure the future improvement continuously. 11.Total 484 inspection trips are executed which achieves the highest-class goal of the project. 12.All inspectors are required to fulfill 40-hour training and examination at least. In addition, the in-job training is held monthly and the annual professional training was held. 13.FTIS promulgate the internal inspecting regulations for both systematic and executive examinations. All the flaws found by the internal inspecting crew were corrected.
英文關鍵字 waste lubricant, inspection and certification third party, inspection and certification quantity